
Sustaining Urban Water Supply under Climate Change: Lessons from Selected Rapidly Growing Cities in Southern Africa and China
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Sustaining Urban Water Supply under Climate Change: Lessons from Selected Rapidly Growing Cities in Southern Africa and China
Water is the basis for life, and meeting water supply demand is a global challenge, particularly in developing countries. In 2020, it was estimated that two billion people lived in water-stressed regions with no access to a safely managed drinking water service on premises, available when needed and free of contamination. This condition is expected to worsen in some regions due to climate change and rapid population growth. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020 estimates that…
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Evaluation of The Impact of UN-Habitat’s Housing Approach to Adequate, Affordable Housing and Poverty Reduction, 2008-2019: Zambia Country Report (4/2020)
Country Report
Evaluation of The Impact of UN-Habitat’s Housing Approach to Adequate, Affordable Housing and Poverty Reduction, 2008-2019: Zambia Country Report (4/2020)
The Zambian government and UN-Habitat have implemented various strategies and policies to address the housing deficit, including upgrading informal settlements, improving land tenure security, and promoting affordable housing finance options. However, challenges remain due to the high cost of building materials, lack of access to affordable finance, weak land administration systems, and the informal nature of much of the housing stock.
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Regional representation of africa
Policy and Strategy
Regional Representation for Africa: 2020 - 2023 Strategic Plan
This Regional Representation Strategy for Africa shows a paradigm shift towards sustainable urbanisation as an engine for growth by proactively tackling urban challenges while simultaneously leveraging the opportunities presented by the phenomenon itself.
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Technical Report
Land Tenure Security in Selected Countries
Secure land and property rights for all are essential to reducing poverty because they underpin economic development and social inclusion. Secure land tenure and property rights enable people in urban and rural areas to invest in improved homes and livelihoods. Although many countries have completely restructured their legal and regulatory framework related to land and they have tried to harmonize modern statutory law with customary ones, millions of people around the world still have insecure…
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Technical Report
Fiscal Decentralisation in Zambia, The Global Urban Economic Dialogue Series
This report examines the economic role of cities. It illustrates the important contributions of cities to national economic development and poverty reduction.
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Zambia Urban Housing Sector Profile - Cover image
Urban Profile
Zambia Urban Housing Sector Profile
The profile offers a comprehensive in-depth analysis of the country’s urban housing sector. The Profile contributes to the creation of a policy framework that enables the provision of adequate housing for all. It builds a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of the urban housing sector that can serve as an authoritative reference point for all actors involved in the direct provision or enablement of housing
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UN-Habitat Country Programme D
UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009- Zambia
The Habitat Country Programme Document for Zambia outlines the main objectives and priorities for UN-HABITAT and the Zambian Government.
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Technical Report
The Sustainable Cities Programme in Zambia (1994-2007)
In Zambia the Sustainable Cities Programme was implemented in Lusaka from 1994-2001 to address high levels of poverty and inequality experienced in the city resulting from a shrinking economy as the country’s copper-dominated export sector started to dwindle and government’s capacity to adequately deliver public services was impaired.
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Technical Report
Law, Land Tenure and Gender Review: Southern Africa (Zambia)
This report was commissioned by UN-Habitat to review the laws and land tenure of a selected number of southern African countries.
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Expression of Interest
Expression of interest for hosting WHD/WCD 2026
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Presentation made by the Secretariat
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Presentation by the Executive Director
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Global strategy for the UN’s engagement with local and regional governments
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Global strategy for the UN’s engagement with local and regional governments
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Global strategy for the UN’s engagement with local and regional governments
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HSP/OEWG-H.2024/1 - Provisional Agenda
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Press Release
Inaugural World Cleanup Day launches in Norway
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Technical Report
Amman Climate Action Plan
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