Country: Overview
Country: Overview
Country: Overview
Country: Impact and Urban Numbers
Infrastructure and services deficit mapped in around 150 informal settlements to orientate public policies.
More than 700 thousand inhabitants benefited from municipal actions in 208 communities in Rio de Janeiro, as a result of data-oriented public policies with a territorial and integrated perspective.
Over 40 municipalities and 1 state in Brazil had their City Prosperity Index (CPI) calculated.
Urban numbers
Country: Impact and Urban Numbers
8.27 million Brazilians living in risk areas (approximately 9%). However, only 30.6% local governments adopt and implement strategies for disaster risk reduction (2013/2018)
41.4% of the urban population lives in informal and precarious settlements and inadequate housing (2010).
Rio de Janeiro is the 8th most vulnerable city in the world and São Paulo the 12th.
Country Beneficiaries

"By participating in the project 'Public Responsibility Systems to measure, monitor and inform about sustainable urban policies in Latin America', the Municipality of Niterói has benefited in several ways. I would highlight the opportunity to exchange projects related to transparency, participation and sustainability with cities in Peru and Bolivia, the support of UN-Habitat team to carry out the linkage of the strategic planning of Niterói to the SDGs and the support to the creation of an innovation lab within our School of Government and Management."
Marília Ortiz, Undersecretary of Planning
Donors and partners
Most of the projects in Brazil are technical assistance undertaken through partnerships with municipalities and state governments in a diverse range of urban themes. In many of those projects, academia has an important role on providing evidences through specialised research, collecting data and monitoring indicators; while civil society has been essential to guarantee participatory processes and mobilising groups or communities. Throughout the years, strong relationship with the national government and nationwide organizations has also been crucial to raise awareness and support urban and regional development policies and initiatives on a federal level. Partnerships with the private sector has been important to support social responsibility initiatives and disseminate global agenda.
Legacy content
- Valor total de las inversiones de ONU-Habitat (2008-2013): US$ 10,119,166
- Número total de proyectos de ONU-Hábitat (2008-2013): 8 proyectos
- Donantes principales: Fundação Vale, Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (PCRJ), Fundação Euclides da Cunha (FEC), BASF Social Foundation (Germany), MDG Fund (PNUD-España), Brasil, Instituto Pereira Passos, FSADU
- Asociados: ILO, PNUD, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNIFEM, The Special Secretariat of Policies for Women (SPM), the Special Secretariat for Policies to Promote Racial Equality (SEPPIR), PETROBAS, Universidad de Fluminense (UFF) & FEC, municipios, agencias gubernamentales brasileñas y ministerios