Country: Overview
Country: Overview
Country: Overview
Country: Impact and Urban Numbers
From 2015 to 2018, 305 cities in Mexico were analyzed with the CPI, placing the country as the most analyzed in the world with this methodology.
Mexico received the Dubai International Prize for the implementation of CPI in the category of Best Practices Transfer in the Monitoring Mechanisms of the New Urban Agenda and in the urban part of the
The National Development Plan included an indicator on efficiency in land use to measure the relationship between the rate of land consumption and the growth rate of the urban population.
From 2014 to 2017, of the homes built and financed by the housing institutes, 37.5 per cent are abandoned and are located in large peripheral housing complexes.
It is estimated that families with fewer economic resources would take 120 years to pay an average home without subsidy.
2.2 million houses are located outside of cities (43.6 per cent). Only 8 per cent are in consolidated areas.
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- Valor total de inversiones de ONU-Habitat (2008-2013): US$ 1,735,568
- Número total de proyectos de ONU-Habitat (2008-2013): Cuatro proyectos
- Donantes principales: Gobierno de México, municipalidades de Zapopan y Guadalajara, Gobierno de España
- Asociados: ECLAC, zona metropolitana de Guadalajara, municipalidad de Zapopan, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo
Oficina Nacional en México
Av. Paseo de la Reforma 99
Colonia Tabacalera. Delegación Cuauhtémoc
Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal. CP06030
+52 55 6820-9700 ext 40062