Since 2015, UN-Habitat has been providing technical assistance to the national, regional and local governments of Guinea-Bissau, as well as other relevant stakeholders, on policies, plans and strategies, as well as operational activities related to:

  • housing
  • sustainable urban development
  • slum upgrading
  • urban resilience to climate change 
  • land management and community land demarcation
  • strategic planning at a regional and local level


Urban numbers


Information regarding the urban situation in Guinea-Bissau is scarce and the few existing ones are outdated. In 1997, only 22,5% of the population lived in urban areas. In 2023 this number reached 45,5%, highlighting a challenging scenario regarding the urban situation (World Bank, 2024).

The urban infrastructure of Guinea-Bissau is scant, and its maintenance is practically non-existent. In the Country Capital, while the rural exodus intensifies and the population increases considerably, reaching 25% of the national population, the city and other main urban centres continue to lack functional equipment.

Country Beneficiaries

Donors and partners

The success of UN-Habitat’s work in Guinea-Bissau is dependent on a number of successful partnerships. Through the programme, UN-Habitat identifies and mobilizes diverse international and local partners who can contribute to several initiatives promoted by the Agency in the country.

With the Municipality of Bissau, An MoU was developed and signed, to pave the way for the development of the Strategic and Operational Plan of the City of Bissau.

The Ministry of Public Works, Construction and Urban Planning (MOPCU), our key governmental partner in the country, has validated and signed UN-Habitat’s Country Programme Document to be implemented between 2017 and 2020.

Organizations of the Civil Society, such as the National Youth Council (CNJ) and the Network of National Youth Associations (RENAJ), have been actively participating in UN-Habitat’s activities in Guinea-Bissau. Our last activity, the Urban Walk, which took place on April 6, 2019 and celebrated the World Health Day (April 7), was attended by approximately 70 people, comprised mostly by young men and women.


UNDP (incl. one UN fund)


Edinilson Augusto da Silva
Programme Management Officer
UN-Habitat Country Office