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UNHabitat and the OECD

National Urban Policy: Latin America and the Caribbean Report

Given the intensity of the urbanization process and of its challenges in the region, understanding how urban policies have attempted to address them is of particular interest. This report aims to provide an overview and an assessment of the state of national urban policies in the Latin America and the Caribbean region, providing a comparative analysis
of policy processes and mechanisms put in place, highlighting best practices but also obstacles to achieving sustainable urban development.

Drawn from the observed “new generation of national urban policies”, the concept of National Urban Policy (NUP) is defined by UN-Habitat as “a coherent set of decisions derived through a deliberate government-led process of coordination and rallying various actors for a common vision and goal that will promote more transformative, productive, inclusive and resilient urban development for the long term” (UN-Habitat, 2014). It has been recognized as a primary governmental tool to coordinate sustainable development agendas such as Agenda 2030 and the New Urban Agenda, and specific national urban development paths.

The report is part of a series of five regional reports assessing the state of national urban policies that complement the Global State of National Urban Policies Report, conducted in collaboration between UNHabitat and the OECD. These studies are timely, as they follow up on Habitat III and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, and accompany the Second International Conference on National Urban Policy, held in Paris, France in May 2017.

"Gender perspectives in urban planning" - Ana Falú

Ana Falú from the National University of Cordoba - and the Coordinator of the UN-Habitat UNI Gender Hub - in this lecture discusses urban planning from a gender perspective, with emphasis on both who has the right to the city, and who has the right to plan the city.

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Déficit habitacional
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Déficit habitacional en América Latina y el Caribe: Una herramienta para el diagnóstico y el desarrollo de políticas efectivas en vivienda y hábitat

De modo general, la existencia de una política de vivienda se fundamenta en la identificación de un determinado conjunto de situaciones concretas que afectan a individuos, grupos y poblaciones y que pueden ser descritas, en un sentido específico, como expresión o indicador de la presencia de necesidades habitacionales insatisfechas. Por supuesto, la observación de tales necesidades se relaciona con distintos tipos de diagnósticos, entre los que se incluye la carencia absoluta de vivienda, pero también diferentes modalidades inadecuadas o deficitarias de acceso a vivienda, entre las que se cuenta la disponibilidad insegura o no exclusiva de vivienda, así como también el acceso a viviendas que no cumplen con estándares mínimos o socialmente deseados de calidad. Reconociendo esta pluralidad de situaciones, es correcto señalar que la problemática habitacional no se reduce exclusivamente a un asunto de cantidad de viviendas, sino que implica aportar al desarrollo de condiciones que habiliten el acceso seguro, oportuno, exclusivo y equitativo a viviendas adecuadas para todos aquellos grupos e individuos que manifiestan algún tipo de necesidad.

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento d
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Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio - Casimiro de Abreu Linha-base 2000/2006

This publication presents the situation of the municipality of Casimiro de Abreu in relation with the Millenium Development Goals within the work of monitoring city indicators related to the Millenium Development Goals between 2000 and 2006.

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Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Cachoeiras de Macacu ano de 2007

Este boletim apresenta o panorama do município de cachoeiras de macacu no ano de 2007, representando a primeira medição dos indicadores do milênio a partir da linha base (2000 – 2006), refletindo os impactos nos objetivos de desenvolvimento do milênio observados no primeiro ano após o anúncio oficial da implantação do empreendimento COMPERJ na região.