3rd ACCP Assembly – Sharing Experiences towards Future Actions- 25-29 July

Exchanging knowledge and experiences and creating partnerships with people who share the same challenges is a great way for ACCP members to inspire future actions for creating clean cities and shifting towards a circular economy.
ACCP Assemblies are organized to share knowledge and experiences every 3 years in conjunction with TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development).
After the first two successful meetings held in Rabat, Morocco 2018, and Yokohama, Japan in 2019, the third Assembly hosted by Tunis took place on 25 - 29 July 2022 at 09:00-12:00 GMT/ 10:00-13:00 WAT/ 11:00-14:00 CAT/ 12:00-15:00 EAT, one month before TICAD 8. The ACCP members met to capture the outcomes of activities laid out in Yokohama Action Guidance as well as agreed on the ACCP activities in the coming three years. Supported by digital technologies and the new online format there were opportunities for discussions and business networking.
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Day 1: Opening and Outcomes of the Past 3 Years
Day 2: Progress towards achieving waste SDGS in Africa
Day 3: Knowledge Hub and Awareness Raising

Day 4: Innovation towards Clean and Circular Africa

Day 5: Towards Future Tangible Impacts
Speakers – Opening Sessions

Najla Bouden: Prime Minister of Tunisia

Samira Abidi: Directeur général, Ministère de l'Intérieur, Tunisie

Madame Souad Abderrahim: Mayor of Tunis

Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi: Minister of the Environment, Japan

Gen. Mahmoud Shaarawy: Minister of Local Development, Egypt

Maimunah Mohd Sharif: Executive Director UN-Habitat

Takeharu Yamanaka: Mayor of the City of Yokohama

Seiichi Onodera: Senior Vice President - JICA

Frank Turyatunga: Director of UNEP Africa Office
3rd ACCP Assembly Business Networking

Many innovations and great ideas to change solid waste management are happening in Africa. Some provide security and protection for informal waste workers, optimize waste collection routes, and boost recycling.
Some technological innovations extract energy from waste or turn waste into valuable materials and products. The 3rd ACCP Assembly attempts to accelerate this innovation process by connecting various actors in the private sector to participants.
Please access the 3rd ACCP Assembly Business Networking platform from here to learn what solutions are out there!
Outcome Document
The Assembly will end with the endorsement of outcome document by all the participating ACCP members, which guide the activities of ACCP until the next TICAD year. The outcome document of third Assembly “Tunis Declaration” is named in honor of the host city Tunis.
Call for Action 2022 - 2023
DIY SDG 11.6.1 Baseline Survey using WaCT with technical support
SDG indicator 11.6.1 survey using UN-Habitat’s Waste Wise Cities Tool will provide comprehensive snapshot of current status of municipal solid waste management system with essential datasets, with in-depth analysis in policy intervention and infrastructure gaps. ACCP Secretariat is calling for Expression of Interest for ACCP members to be selected as a city to apply WaCT with trainings and technical support.
Sign-up for World Clean-Up Day with Let’s Do It World
17 September 2022 is World Cleanup Day! UN-Habitat is supporting Let’s Do It World’s global movement for the clean-up campaign. Get involved and be the part of the solution from here.