Campaigns Interactive Report World Cities Report 2022 The Report proposes a state of informed preparedness that provides us with the opportunity to anticipate change, correct the course of action and become… Award Scroll of Honour Award The UN-Habitat Scroll of Honour Award was launched in 1989 and is one of the most prestigious human settlements award in the world. It aims… Event The High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda Event National Urban Forums The National Urban Forum (NUF) is a multi-stakeholders platform aimed at supporting sustainable urban development processes and debates at the country level… Award Ingenious Women's Initiatives The Collection of Ingenious Initiatives for Sustainable Urban Development, hosted by UN-Habitat, will spotlight the contributions made by women to the… Interactive Report Financing sustainable urban development This initiative has been requested by the European Parliament. It is implemented by European Commission and UN-Habitat, supported by the International… Campaign Take action for cities Welcome to the covid-19 campaign to take action in solidarity with the most vulnerable in cities and communities. Нумерация страниц « First Первая страница ‹ Previous Предыдущая страница 1 2