
Supporting Revenue Enhancement in Kiambu County, Kenya - Cover image
Supporting Revenue Enhancement in Kiambu County, Kenya
David Kariuki, UN-HABITAT, Yoel Siegel
This publication summarizes the work that UN-Habitat carried out in Kiambu County to increase the own-source revenue of the county. It highlights the significant impact of the project.
This publication describes the intervention that was carried out by UN-Habitat in Nampula. It explains the impact of the project and what can be done differently in the future.
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Urban Economy and Market Development in Homa Bay County, Kenya - Cover image
Urban Economy and Market Development in Homa Bay County, Kenya
David Kariuki, UN-HABITAT, Yoel Siegel
The report provides an assessment of key sources revenue for the Homa Bay County Government. Upgrading of local markets is one such source of revenue to the County Government.
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