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World Cities Report 2016: Urbanization and Development - Emerging Futures

The analysis of urban development of the past twenty years presented in this maiden edition of the World Cities Report shows, with compelling evidence, that there are new forms of collaboration and cooperation, planning, governance, finance and learning that can sustain positive change. The Report unequivocally demonstrates that the current urbanization model is unsustainable in many respects. It conveys a clear message that the pattern of urbanization needs to change in order to better respond to the challenges of our time, to address issues such as inequality, climate change, informality, insecurity, and the unsustainable forms of urban expansion.

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世界城市状况报告 2012/2013 (State of the World's Cities 2012/2013)

本版《世界城市状况报告》要揭示的是,“所有人的繁荣”目前仅狭隘地聚焦于经济增长。联 合国人居署提出了一个全新的视角,超越了单一的经济重心,而包括了其他的重要维度,如生 活质量、充足的基础设施、平等和环境可持续。报告还推出了一个新工具—城市繁荣指数,以 及“繁荣之轮”概念矩阵,二者都可为决策者制定清晰的干预政策提供建议。

报告呼吁城市应该为所有民众强化公共领域,扩大公共物品供应,巩固“公地”权利,以此作 为扩大繁荣的手段。这正是为了应对目前已被观察到的不良趋势,如繁荣飞地上对公共物品和公地 的封锁和限制,以及以不可持续的方式将其耗尽。

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State of the World's Cities 2010/2011- Cities for All: Bridging the Urban Divide

This report uses the framework of 'The Urban Divide' to analyse the complex social, political, economic and cultural dynamics of urban environments. It addresses poverty and deprivation, which expose low-income urban dwellers to higher risks and make them even more vulnerable. The overall book focuses on the concept of the 'right to the city' and the ways in which many urban dwellers are excluded from the advantages of city life, using the framework to explore links among poverty, inequality, slum formation and economic growth.

The volume is intended for all professionals and policymakers in the field and aims to be a valuable resource for researchers and students in all aspects of urban development.

Contents include:

Part 01: Urban Trends
1.1 Cross-Currents in Global Urbanization
1.2 The Wealth of Cities
1.3 Slum Dwellers: Proportions are Declining, but Numbers are Growing

Part 02: The Urban Divide
2.1 The Urban Divide: Overview and Perspectives
2.2 The Economic Divide: Urban Income Inequalities
2.3 The Spatial Divide: Marginalization and its Outcomes
2.4 The Opportunity Divide: When the "Urban Advantage" Eludes the Poor
2.5 The Social Divide: Impact on Bodies and Minds

Part 03: Bridging the Urban Divide
3.1 Taking Forward the Right to the City
3.2 The Regional Dynamics of Inclusion
3.3 The Five Steps to an Inclusive City

State of the World's Cities Report 2010/2011 Abridged Version

English (PDF)

Other titles in the State of the World's Cities Series:

Globalization and Urban Culture: 2004/2005

The Millenium Development Goals and Urban Sustainability: 2006/2007

Harmonious Cities: 2008/2009

Prosperity of Cities: 2012/2013

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世界城市状况报告2006/2007 (State of the World’s Cities 2006/2007)


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世界城市状况报告 2004/2005 (State of World's Cities 2004-2005)


City Climate Action Plans spotlight at Oslo workshop

Oslo, 17 March 2015 - More than 30 experts from around the world met in Oslo, Norway last week 2-3 March for a two-day expert group meeting on global Guidelines for City Climate Action Plans. The meeting was organized by UN-Habitat in close collaboration with Cities Alliance Joint Work Programme Partners, UNEP and the World Bank.

Quick Guide for Policy Makers
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Quick Guide for Policy Makers on Pro-poor Urban Climate Resilience in Asia and the Pacific

The “Quick Guide for Policy Makers on Pro-Poor Urban Climate Resilience in Asia and the Pacific” focuses on the need to enhance understanding of the region’s key urban stakeholders on climate change, discusses how it affects efforts to realize sustainable urban development, and explores what actions can be taken to synergize continued commitments to poverty reduction alongside urban climate resilience. It is argued that there are significant overlaps between climate change vulnerability and urban poverty, and that climate change resilience and poverty reduction efforts need not be a trade-off.

Through examples which span the region, the Quick Guide illustrates pro-poor approaches to urban climate resilience that are holistic, flexible and participatory and that can be effective tools to foster inclusive and sustainable development - an essential task for policy makers in meeting the key urban challenges in the Asia-Pacific region in the twenty-first century.

Islamabad, Pakistan - Climate
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Islamabad, Pakistan: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment

Climate change is severely impacting many countries around the world and Pakistan is no exception. With its largely arid geographical profile and resource scarcity the country is particularly vulnerable. From 1929-2005, the return period of disasters has become shorter, reducing from 56 years in 1929 to only 5 years in 2005. The country is susceptible to a wide range of hazards including landslides, floods, droughts and cyclones. The Global Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI) compiled by Maplecroft ranked Pakistan as the 29th most vulnerable country over 2009-2010, and the 16th most vulnerable over 2010-11.

State of the World Cities 2012
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Prosperity of Cities: State of the World's Cities 2012/2013

What this new edition of State of the World's Cities shows is that prosperity for all has been compromised by a narrow focus on economic growth. UN-Habitat suggests a fresh approach to prosperity beyond the solely economic emphasis, including other vital dimensions such as quality of life, adequate infrastructures, equity and environmental sustainability.

The Report proposes a new tool – the City Prosperity Index – together with a conceptual matrix, the Wheel of Prosperity, both of which are meant to assist decision makers to design clear policy interventions. The Report advocates for the need of cities to enhance the public realm, expand public goods and consolidate rights to the 'commons' for all as a way to expand prosperity. This comes in response to the observed trend of enclosing or restricting these goods and commons in enclaves of prosperity, or depleting them through unsustainable use.

Other titles in the State of the World's Cities Series:

Globalization and Urban Culture: 2004/2005

The Millenium Development Goals and Urban Sustainability: 2006/2007

Harmonious Cities: 2008/2009

Cities for All: Bridging the Urban Divide: 2010/2011

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Las Ciudades Y El Cambio Climático:Orientaciones Para Políticas (Cities and Climate Change: Policy Guidance)

Las Ciudades y el Cambio Climático examina los vínculos entre la urbanización y el cambio climático, los impactos potencialmente devastadores del cambio climático en las poblaciones urbanas y las respuestas y prácticas de políticas que están surgiendo en las áreas urbanas. Actualmente más de la mitad de la población mundial vive en asentamientos urbanos, y la convergencia de la urbanización y el cambio climático amenaza con impactos sin precedentes las economías, la calidad de vida y la estabilidad social. Sin embargo, junto con estas amenazas hay también un conjunto de oportunidades igualmente apremiantes.

La concentración de personas, industrias e infraestructura, así como actividades sociales y culturales, actúa como un crisol de innovación – desarrollando modos para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, mejorar los mecanismos para abordar el problema y reducir la vulnerabilidad frente a los impactos del cambio climático. Este nuevo informe del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos (ONU-HABITAT), principal autoridad mundial en asuntos urbanos, muestra cómo las ciudades pueden mejorar su funcionamiento para responder mejor al cambio climático y brindar estrategias prácticas para reforzar su papel como parte de la solución. El Informe Mundial sobre Asentamientos Humanos 2011 es la evaluación global más autorizada y actualizada sobre las condiciones y tendencias de los asentamientos humanos. Los informes anteriores trataron temas como Las Ciudades en un Mundo Globalizado, El Desafío de los Tugurios, El Financiamiento de Asentamientos Urbanos, Mejoría de la Seguridad Urbana y La Planificación de Ciudades Sostenibles.

Français (PDF)