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Housing Finance Mechanisms in Zimbabwe

The report focuses on key aspects and innovative instruments/practices that are specific to Zimbabwe. The report is organized into five chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on the Macro-economic and socio-political context of Zimbabwe. Chapter 2 focuses on “The Housing Conditions and Housing Market in Zimbabwe” citing the history and development of the housing finance system in Zimbabwe in the pre- and post independence eras. This chapter provides an overview of the trends in housing as well as highlighting those mechanisms that achieved the best results and which may need revisiting.  

Chapter 3, “Structure, Patterns, Trends Characteristics and Instruments of Housing Finance” reviews the technical aspects relating to housing finance in Zimbabwe. The chapter presents a review of existing sources of finance and their relative successes in providing housing for the home seeker. Chapter 4 outlines and evaluates the existing credit mechanisms against the background of the prevailing macroeconomic conditions in Zimbabwe.

The last chapter outlines the constraints on housing finance and how these can be overcome in the short term and long-term. The report makes recommendations, which involve communities in housing delivery with a firm foundation in the housing cooperative movement and which has achieved a substantial amount of success in Zimbabwe. The report also recommends the active participation of civil society organisations as they have also demonstrated a capacity to employ participatory and rights-based approaches in housing delivery.