Accelerating Integrated Urban Climate Action: Achievements and Impacts of the Urban-LEDS Phase II Project 2017 – 2021
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Accelerating Integrated Urban Climate Action: Achievements and Impacts of the Urban-LEDS Phase II Project 2017 – 2021

The Urban-LEDS phase II project, implemented by UN-Habitat and ICLEI and funded by the European Commission, sought to accelerate the pace of change in cities through targeted support to 72 local governments and 8 national governments to enhance integrated low emission and climate resilient development, access to finance and multi-level governance.

This report presents the learnings and progress from the development of Low Emissions Development Strategies and corresponding Climate Action Plans in 17 cities.

A tailor-made offer of support was provided to the local governments engaged in the project, based on ICLEI’s GreenClimateCities (GCC) Program, guiding progress on local climate action, identifying local contributions to the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and connecting to national processes. National government policy support to enhance multi-level governance was provided using UN-Habitat’s tools and process support, especially within the framework of NDCs and National Urban Policies. The project also supported the improvement of effective monitoring and reporting systems through an integrated MRV (Measuring, Reporting, and Verifying) process, vital to tracking progress and accelerating climate action within cities.