Номер результата: 31
ID отправления: 3669
UUID отправления: 6e477056-7375-408c-8cee-62084c9c1968
URI отправления: /ru/form/uni-and-p4ca-course-manual-repos

Создано: пт, 11/15/2019 - 12:13
Завершено: пт, 11/15/2019 - 12:14
Изменение: чт, 11/21/2019 - 10:51

Удалённый IP адрес:
Добавлено пользователем: Гость
Language: English

Is draft: Нет
Climate Change Responses (undergraduate) - RMIT University
Dr. Blanche Verlie
Adaptation, Climate Resilience, Disaster Risk Reduction, Mitigation
As climate change proceeds, we need to think critically about how we are, and should be, responding. This course presents you with an integrated and contextualised approach to climate change responses, with a focus on social, political, cultural and psychological aspects of such responses. Students examine the relationship between climate change adaptation and mitigation and intentional responses such as climate-smart development, resilience thinking, geoengineering and carbon sequestration. Students consider how climate change responses are shaped by cultural, environmental and socio-political contexts. This course will provide a brief introduction to global climate change science, including the role of science inn climate change discourse. It focuses on the conceptual, political and practical challenges presented by the onset of climate change. Students are required to consider how climate change responses are framed differently by different actors; starting with different perceptions about whether the responses need to be incremental or transformational. Given that we are living in ‘the urban age’ students examine the particular challenges facing urban dwellers and urban planners. Students grapple with questions related to ethics, equity, vulnerability and capacity, and the potential for systemic changes such as relocation, and decarbonisation.
Multiple Scales
Global (more than one region)