UN-Habitat and UN-Women host event on Public Space

New York, 24 March 2014-- During the 59th session on the Commission for the Status of Women, the Deputy Executive Director of UN-Habitat Ms. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira and the Deputy Executive Director of UN Women Lakshmi Puri co-chaired the UN-Habitat and UN WOMEN joint event titled Public Space: Opportunities and challenges for Empowering Women.


Kick-off workshop on Rapid Planning in Danang City

Danang, Vietnam 12 March 2015 –UN-Habitat in collaboration with the Danang Institute for Social Economic Development this week organized a workshop to launch rapid planning in the city and which brought together national and foreign experts. According to Deputy Chairman of  Danang People’s Committee, Mr Nguyen Ngoc Tuan, "Rapid Planning is an action-oriented research project that will address the actual and foreseeable issues of dynamic city development and the related challenges.


Planning matters for the future of Palestine, international experts declare

Jerusalem, 20 February 2015 - An integrated approach to planning, across the whole of the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), is urgently needed to support the sustainable development of Palestine, an international group of planning experts have said. The experts spent a week looking at the planning of Palestinian communities in the so called Area C, the rural part comprising 60% of the West Bank where Israel still controls day to day decisions about planning and development.

Analysis of city extensions FI
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Planned City Extensions: Analysis of Historical Examples

Developing countries are urbanizing at an incredibly fast pace and, in many cases, with unplanned settlements that pose enormous challenges. Growing cities need to define the urban planning frameworks that will guide the construction of new neighbourhoods and city extensions.

This document, through the analysis of ten existing cities, draws lessons that can be useful for future urbanization. The cities presented are apparently very different: they are in developed or developing countries; they were been built in the 17th or 20th centuries; they are neighbourhoods or complete cities; they house the rich and the poor. However, they also have common aspects that serve to define and explain an approach that can guide future urbanization so as to generate cities that are sustainable, socially inclusive, and economically viable.

UN-Habitat Executive Director concludes Official Mission to Sudan

Khartoum, 22 January 2015 - UN-Habitat, The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Environment, Forestries and Urbanisation of Sudan which outlines their commitment to work together on sustainable urban development in the country. The agreement was signed by the Federal Minister, Hon. Hassan Abdelgadir Hilal, and UN Under-Secretary-General and UN-Habitat Executive Director, Dr.


Lignes Directrices Internationales Sur la Planification Urbaine et Territoriale

InternationalDifférents types et approches de planification urbaine et territoriale existent et ont été testés à l’échelle planétaire sans toutefois disposer de principes simples et acceptés universellement qui pourraient guider les décideurs vers des trajectoires de développement urbain durable.


Architecture students receive technical input on designs from UN-Habitat

Nairobi, 8 September 2014: Architecture students from Kenya received comments on their latest designs from a technical team at UN-Habitat.

In the first of three parallel comprehensive design and construction studio courses in Nairobi, Kigali and Kampala, third year students of architecture from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) presented their first cycle of studio course design work and received input from the guest critics of representatives of partner institutions.
