Students explore solutions for Vietnam’s Da Nang Riverfront

Da Nang, Vietnam 24 March 2016-- 46 students from three continents recently attended the 10-day Da Nang Summer School in the Central Vietnamese city. The summer school was spearheaded by the Rapid Planning project and jointly organized by the Technical University of Berlin, the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus Senftenberg, the Da Nang University of Architecture and Planning and UN-Habitat.


Environmentally sustainable cities, SDG implementation, New Urban Agenda under spotlight in Hanoi

09 March 2016, Hanoi – At the recent 7th High Level Seminar on Environmentally Sustainable Cities in Vietnam, UN-Habitat promoted the issues of sustainable urbanisation, city planning, resilient city development and youth advocacy, in the context of the mobilisation of cities and stakeholders towards Habitat III, the UN conference on sustainable urban development taking place in October this year.


Hanoi seminar explores community arts and the living space

Hanoi 8 September 2015-- Community arts, including public community art, help beautify the living space of the community with the participation of the community’s members in a variety of forms to renovate their living environment.

The topic was up for discussion at a seminar for development of a project named ‘Art for Better Space’, jointly held by the Korean Foundation, UN-Habitat and Vietnam Urban Forum (VUF) in Hanoi on September 4.



Hanoi workshop discusses international best practices in planning bill drafting

Hanoi workshop discusses international best practices in planning bill draftingHanoi, 26 August 2015— Top planning experts, representatives from National Assembly committees, ministries, central and local departments, research institutes, universities, civic organisations and NGOs met in Hanoi for a workshop titled ‘Drafting of the Planning Bill – International best practices and suggestions
