
Urban Crises and the Informal Economy: Surviving, Managing, Thriving in Post-Conflict Cities - Cover
Technical Report
Urban Crises and the Informal Economy: Surviving, Managing, Thriving in Post-Conflict Cities
Political upheaval or violent conflict is often characterised by a fundamental failure of governance, and the destruction of local economies, and yet in the aftermath of conflict people reconstruct their livelihoods and rebuild urban services through informal mechanisms of survival and support. This report explores the response of the urban informal economy to urban crises, its role in poverty reduction, peace building and development in post-conflict cities, and its scope as a platform for…
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The State of Pakistani Cities 2018 - Cover image
Country Report
The State of Pakistani Cities 2018
The State of Pakistani Cities report is a pivotal document which identifies the underlying socio-economic drivers contributing to the state of urbanization in the ten largest cities and their efficacy to respond to the urbanization challenges.
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State of Pakistan Cities report 2018 - Cover image
Country Report
State of Pakistan Cities report 2018
The State of Pakistani Cities (SPC) report is a pivotal document which identifies the underlying socio-economic drivers contributing to the state of urbanization in the ten largest cities and their efficacy to respond to the urbanization challenges.
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Islamabad, Pakistan - Climate
Technical Report
Islamabad, Pakistan: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
Climate change is severely impacting many countries around the world and Pakistan is no exception. With its largely arid geographical profile and resource scarcity the country is
particularly vulnerable. From 1929-2005, the return period of disasters has become shorter, reducing from 56 years in 1929 to only 5 years in 2005. The country is susceptible to a wide range of hazards including landslides, floods, droughts and cyclones. The Global Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI)…
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RetroMaintenance of Hospitals
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Tools and Methodologies for Safer Schools and Hospitals in South Asia: RetroMaintenance of Hospitals
UN-Habitat ROAP in partnership with UNISDR Asia Pacific Secretariat developed a Tool Kit to assess the safety of critical infrastructure, focusing on schools and hospitals in South Asia.
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RetroMaintenance of schools
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Tools for the assessment of school and hospital safety for multi-hazards in South Asia: RetroMaintenance of schools
UN-Habitat ROAP in partnership with UNISDR Asia Pacific Secretariat developed a Tool Kit to assess the safety of critical infrastructure, focusing on schools and hospitals in South Asia.
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UN-Habitat Country Programme D
UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Pakistan
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is the world’s 7th most populous and second largest Muslim nation, after Indonesia, with a population of about 160 million.
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Press Release
UN-Habitat announces 2024 Scroll of Honour Award winners
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Financial Audit
Acquisition report to Member States - August
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Acquisition Report August 2024
Financial Audit
Acquisition Report August 2024
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Draft work programme of UN-Habitat and draft budget of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for 2025
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Financial status of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme as at 30 June 2024
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Round table 2 Concept note
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Roundtable one concept note
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SDG Localization Module 2: Planning for change with the SDGs
SDG Localization Module 2: Planning for change with the SDGs
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Information Note for Participants (WCuD2024)
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