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UN-Habitat, Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)

Leaving no one behind - How a global instrument to end plastic pollution can enable a just transition for the people informally collecting and recovering waste

This report provides an overview on the importance of the Informal Waste and Recovery Sector (IWRS) for ending plastic pollution. It outlines how the current negotiations towards a global instrument to end plastic pollution can leverage a just transition of the IWRS. It calls for the just transition of the IWRS to be fair, inclusive, and equitable, generating and preserving decent work opportunities in a way that leaves no one behind. This involves enabling IWRS workers to pursue their livelihoods in a dignified manner, by their choice either inside or outside of the sector and involving stakeholders impacted by the transition in the development and implementation process. Key elements of a just transition of the IWRS include official and legislative recognition, protection of human and labour rights, access to social services and health schemes, and fair payment for work for all IWRS stakeholders. These are key considerations to bring to the first meeting of the INC but are also basic elements of promoting a just transition in local and national policies that aim to formalize and integrate informal waste and recovery workers as part of strategies to end plastic pollution.

El Salvador Housing Sector Profile - Cover image
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El Salvador Housing Sector Profile

The profile offers a comprehensive in-depth analysis of the country’s urban housing sector. The Profile contributes to the creation of a policy framework that enables the provision of adequate housing for all. It builds a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of the urban housing sector that can serve as an authoritative reference point for all actors involved in the direct provision or enablement of housing

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Urban-rural Linkages: Guiding Principles

The goal of these Guiding Principles is to inform pragmatic strategies and propose a Framework for Action to build an enabling environment for more inclusive and functional urban-rural linkages. The principles are flexible and can be applied by all levels of stakeholders at all scales.

While the principles are designed for universal application, there are distinct roles and actions appropriate for national or local governments, civil society, the private sector and international organizations. In addition, they can be applied in varying national contexts; for example, where there is a concern about the rate of urbanization and rural transformation, or the degree of diversity in the population.

The Guiding Principles are to help address the complexity of aligning different levels of governance (national, territorial and local) while recognizing unique local contexts and multiple possibilities for implementation. Urban-rural linkages that advance integrated territorial development are not only about a collection of separate subnational regions, but are also about systems of cities at national and even across national to regional levels.

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Planning Law Assessment Framework (Spanish) Marco de Evaluación de la Normativa en Materia de Planeamiento Urbanístico

Para garantizar que las normas de planeamiento urbanístico cumplan sus funciones de la manera más eficaz posible, es preciso examinarlas con frecuencia a medida que cambian los contextos y las necesidades. El Marco de Evaluación de la Normativa en materia de Planeamiento Urbanístico, elaborado por la Unidad de Legislación Urbana de ONUHabitat, es un instrumento de autoevaluación rápida que tiene por objeto determinar los puntos fuertes y débiles de un sistema jurídico de planificación urbana. En este informe se examinan las leyes, reglamentos y decretos que son aplicables en una ciudad y que se promulgan a diferentes niveles.

El Marco de Evaluación de la Normativa en materia de Planeamiento Urbanístico utiliza dos conjuntos de indicadores para evaluar las normas de planificación urbana. Por una parte, se emplean indicadores de la eficacia funcional de una norma jurídica, por otra, se utilizan indicadores de carácter técnico. Este segundo grupo está relacionado con las áreas centrales de planeamiento, que en su conjunto proporcionan una visión general de las cuestiones de planificación urbana pertinentes para la mayoría de los países. En particular, en las categorías de: planeamiento urbanístico y del suelo, espacio público, solares y manzanas de edificios, derechos de desarrollo urbanístico, códigos de edificación y financiación pública basada en el suelo.

Descargar Marco de Evaluación de la Normativa en materia de Planeamiento Urbanístico en Excel

21 Projects Compendium: Implementing the New Urban Agenda

For the last 40 years, UN-Habitat has been working to improve the lives of people in human settlements around the world. As our population has grown, so has the number of people living in cities, towns and villages on all continents. With around 3 billion more people expected to live in urban areas by 2050, it is more critical than ever that we plan and manage the way our cities expand.

This publication demonstrates just a snapshot of our overall portfolio and represents the ways in which, along with our partners, our work positively impacts the quality of life for people around the world. Working together we can, and must, promote economically, socially and environmentally sustainable urbanization and a better urban future for all.

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Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning

Las ciudades están jugando un papel central en la respuesta global al cambio climático a través de la reducción de las emisiones de gas de efecto invernadero y de la adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático. Los gobiernos locales tienen un papel central en estos esfuerzos, pues lideran la acción climática por medio de la elaboración de estrategias y programas, la integración permanente de estas acciones en el desarrollo urbano, y la creación de las alianzas necesarias para respuestas climáticas efectivas

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UN-Habitat’s Role in Joint Programming for the Delivery of MDGs in Latin America and the Caribbean 2/2014

The final evaluation of UN-Habitat’s role in the Millenium Development Goal Achievement Fund (MDG-F) joint programme for Latin America and the Caribbean was conducted between November 2013 and March 2014 by two independent consultants. The ex-post evaluation was expected to provide UN-Habitat management, entities responsible for project development and implementation in UN-Habitat Regional Offices and at headquarters, governing bodies, donors and key stakeholders with a forward-looking objective assessment of the value-added, achievements, lessons, challenges and opportunities resulting from UN-Habitat’s participation in joint programming. In addition, consideration was given UN-Habitat’s adherence to the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and One UN Approach in attaining development results and supporting the achievement of MDG targets.

Evaluation of Joint Prg Delivery of MDGs in LAC Mgt Response (PDF)