
Research Briefing Vol 3: Urbanization in North Rift Kenya
Research Briefing Vol 3: Urbanization in North Rift Kenya
These briefs are based on a study designed to establish prevailing socio-economic conditions, the nature of businesses and the local economic development in Turkana West, and the trends of urbanization in North Rift Kenya. The research is available as three volumes: (1) Volume 1 focused on Households’ Socio-Economic Conditions, (2) Volume 2 is on Businesses and Local Economic Development (LED), and Volume 3 is a profile of the Urbanization Trends in North Rift region of Kenya.
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Research Briefing Vol 2: Businesses and Local Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya
Research Briefing Vol 2: Businesses and Local Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya
These briefs are based on a study designed to establish prevailing socio-economic conditions, the nature of businesses and the local economic development in Turkana West, and the trends of urbanization in North Rift Kenya. The research is available as three volumes: (1) Volume 1 focused on Households’ Socio-Economic Conditions, (2) Volume 2 is on Businesses and Local Economic Development (LED), and Volume 3 is a profile of the Urbanization Trends in North Rift region of Kenya.
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Research Briefing Vol 1: Socio-Economic Conditions in Turkana West, Kenya
Research Briefing Vol 1: Socio-Economic Conditions in Turkana West, Kenya
These briefs are based on a study designed to establish prevailing socio-economic conditions, the nature of businesses and the local economic development in Turkana West, and the trends of urbanization in North Rift Kenya. The research is available as three volumes: (1) Volume 1 focused on Households’ Socio-Economic Conditions, (2) Volume 2 is on Businesses and Local Economic Development (LED), and Volume 3 is a profile of the Urbanization Trends in North Rift region of Kenya.
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Socio Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya Volume III: Regional Context: Urbanization in North Rift Kenya
Technical Report
Socio Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya Volume III: Regional Context: Urbanization in North Rift Kenya
This report is based on a study designed to establish prevailing socio-economic conditions, the nature of businesses and the local economic development in Turkana West, and the trends of urbanization in North Rift Kenya. This report (Volume 3) is focused on Urbanization in North Rift Kenya. It is part of 3 reports produced by the study. The other two reports are Volume 1: Households’ Socio-Economic Conditions, and Volume 2 on Businesses and The Local Economic Development.
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Socio Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya Volume II: A Report on Businesses and The Local Economic Development
Technical Report
Socio Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya Volume II: A Report on Businesses and The Local Economic Development
This report is based on a study designed to establish prevailing socio-economic conditions, the nature of businesses and the local economic development in Turkana West, and the trends of urbanization in North Rift Kenya. This report (Volume 2) is focused on Businesses and The Local Economic Development. It is part of 3 reports produced by the study. The other two reports are Volume 1: Households’ Socio-Economic Conditions, and Volume 3 on Urbanization Trends in the North Rift Region of Kenya.
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Socio Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya Volume I: Report on Socio-Economic Conditions
Technical Report
Socio Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya Volume I: Report on Socio-Economic Conditions
This report is based on a study designed to establish prevailing socio-economic conditions, the nature of businesses and the local economic development in Turkana West, and the trends of urbanization in North Rift Kenya. This report (Volume 1) is focused on Households’ Socio-Economic Conditions. It is part of 3 reports from the study, the others being Volume 2: Businesses and Local Economic Development (LED), and Volume 3: Urbanization Trends in North Rift region of Kenya.
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Impact of COVID-19 on livelihoods, food security & nutrition in East Africa. Urban focus - cover
Technical Report
Impact of COVID-19 on livelihoods, food security & nutrition in East Africa - Urban focus
In cities and urban areas in East Africa, livelihoods and incomes of populations are seriously affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for those living in informal settlements. These urban populations are more vulnerable to food insecurity and unstable livelihoods as they mainly depend on the informal sector. It is estimated that the number of food insecure people in East Africa will increase to more than 41 million people because of COVID-19 including 14 million urban dwellers.
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Urban Energy Technical Note 21: Sustainable Building Finance - cover
Urban Energy Technical Note 21: Sustainable Building Finance
Finance has been identified among the most important barriers for the adoption of green building designs, and is the topic this guide seeks to address. The regional market presently does not provide adequate financial mechanisms and alternative lending products, i.e. green mortgages or preferential loans for sustainable, green and energy efficient buildings, and asset finance for integrated renewable energy networks. International experience with such products can inform how green property...
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Urban Energy Technical Note 20: Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks (ISSB) - cover
Urban Energy Technical Note 20: Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks (ISSB)
Building materials play a significant role in sustainable architecture. The choice of materials is crucial from the perspective of both the thermal performance and the environmental impact of the building.
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