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Technical Report
Comparative Analysis of Housing Acts in Five Countries: Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Botswana, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and South Africa: Urban Legal Case Studies, Volume 13
UN-Habitat provides technical assistance and advisory services to member states in legal reform processes to bring about social and economic transformation and enhance effective service delivery for sustainable urban development. Benchmarking case studies and comparative analysis are key aspects of the UN-Habitat methodology for legal and governance reform. UN-Habitat and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies at the University of London, UK developed this comparative analysis of housing laws...
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Investments and companies in the cities of the metropolitan axis of Bolivia
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Investments and companies in the cities of the metropolitan axis of Bolivia
This publication exposes relevant data regarding the knowledge of the characteristics and conditions of productive differentiation in the national urban axis and offers a perspective on other capitals of the country.
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Generación de nuevos instrumentos para el financiamiento municipal Generating new instruments for municipal financing
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Generación de nuevos instrumentos para el financiamiento municipal Generating new instruments for municipal financing
This publication presents a set of notable urban finance experiences that have been applied to various municipal management objectives in several countries and discusses their potential applicability in Bolivian cities.

Esta publicación presenta un conjunto de experiencias destacadas de finanzas urbanas que han sido aplicadas a diversos objetivos de gestión municipal en varios países y discute su potencial aplicabilidad en las ciudades bolivianas.
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First Report on the State of Prosperity of the Cities of Bolivia
Country Report
First Report on the State of Prosperity of the Cities of Bolivia: Primer reporte del estado de la prosperidad de las ciudades de Bolivia
The First Report on the State of Prosperity of the Cities of Bolivia reflects the results of the Prosperous Cities Index (CPI), designed by UN-Habitat.
This index was calculated for 26 urban municipalities in the country in order to provide decision makers with tools that allow them to define a strategic vision for their cities based on data and evidence.
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An overview of food security in a context of urbanization.
Technical Report
An overview of food security in a context of urbanization
This publication is a tool to support autonomous municipal governments for planning and generating articulated actions towards food security and promotion of food systems based on short chains in cities.

Esta publicación es una herramienta para apoyar a los gobiernos autónomos municipales en la planificación y generación de acciones articuladas hacia la seguridad alimentaria y la promoción de sistemas alimentarios basados en cadenas cortas en las ciudades.
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El estado de la movilidad urbana sostenible en Bolivia
Technical Report
El estado de la movilidad urbana sostenible en Bolivia (The state of sustainable urban mobility in Bolivia)
Con apoyo de la cooperación de Suecia y junto a Swisscontact, ONU-Habitat realizó este estudio sobre el estado de la movilidad urbana sostenible en Bolivia, documento que permitió establecer los lineamientos estratégicos para la formulación de la Política Nacional de Desarrollo Integral de Ciudades (PNDIC).
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Bolivian Cities System (Sistema de Ciudades de Bolivia)
Technical Report
Sistema de Ciudades de Bolivia (Bolivian Cities System)
En el marco de la asistencia técnica para formular la Política Nacional de Desarrollo Integral de las Ciudades (PNDIC) y con el apoyo de la Agencia Sueca de Desarrollo Internacional (ASDI), ONU-Habitat ha realizado un estudio y propuesta metodológica para identificar la configuración del sistema de ciudades de Bolivia, incluida su caracterización general, con miras a recuperar la mirada de la escala urbana nacional en la gestión del territorio nacional.
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Bolivia tomorrow: Discussion Paper – December, 2019
Discussion Paper – December, 2019: Bolivia tomorrow - Reflections on how to operationalize an effective development strategy that sustains a future of well-being for all
Bolivia1stands out for its natural wealth, geographical and ethnic diversity, as well as for having one of the lowest population densities in the world (10/km², ranked 213 in the world), all of which have anthropological, cultural, historical, social and economic ramifications.
The last two decades have witnessed a remarkable decline in inequality. The Social Progress Index of 20183 places Bolivia in the 80th position of 146 countries analyzed (91st when only GDP per capita is considered...
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Guiding Principles for Urban-Rural Linkages to Advance Integrated Territorial Development - Cover image
Activities Report
Guiding Principles for Urban-Rural Linkages to Advance Integrated Territorial Development
German Development Agency GIZ, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), UN-HABITAT
UN-Habitat has partnered with Cities Alliance, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), United Nations Centre for Regional Developmet (UNCRD), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Food Programme (WFP) and World Health Organization (WHO) among others in a participatory process for developing “Guiding...
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Call for regional experts joining the regional online consultations on people-centred smart cities
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Call for expressions of interest to host World Habitat Day and World Cities Day 2026
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Call for Proposal
Call for proposal-C2CC
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UN-Habitat Stakeholder Engagement Policy-Draft, third reading - version of 18 September 2024
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Expression of Interest
Expression of interest for hosting WHD/WCD 2026
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Presentation made by the Secretariat
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Presentation by the Executive Director
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Global strategy for the UN’s engagement with local and regional governments
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Global strategy for the UN’s engagement with local and regional governments
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