Número del envío: 23
ID del envío: 3569
Submission UUID: 6b342ff1-8122-429b-98a4-da002f5ea348

Creado: Lun, 04/11/2019 - 22:31
Completado: Lun, 04/11/2019 - 22:31
Modificado: Jue, 21/11/2019 - 10:55

Remote IP address: (desconocido)
Enviado por: vidarv
Language: English

Is draft: No
PLAN 500 Planning for Resilient Cities and Regions
Dr. Jeff Birchall
Adaptation, Climate Resilience, Disaster Risk Reduction
Environmental resilience requires a comprehensive planning approach, one which is forward thinking, flexible, and grounded in science and practical experience. This course explores planning for resilience from a range of perspective, including city managers, transportation and land use planners, utilities engineers, emergency management and sustainability managers, landscape architects, environmental scientists, port authority managers, and elected officials. All these perspectives contribute to, and reflect the governance of a community, and ultimately influence the it’s capacity for resilience. Case studies from across North America will highlight a variety of environmental stressors (including sea level rise, coastal instability, overland flooding, earthquakes, volcanoes) and demonstrate lessons learned and best practices with respect to planning techniques and approaches from a range of communities, from remote towns in the Arctic to population-dense urban centres in British Columbia’s lower mainland, to vibrant port towns in the Maritimes. Note, while the course will explore a range on environmental stressors, a majority of time will be dedicated to climate change. The objective of the course is to provide students with an opportunity to explore some of the practical and nuanced characteristics of environmental resilience as it relates to city and regional planning. This includes an appreciation of the variety of environmental impacts that stress communities, as well as the decision-dynamics behind the policies and planning actions communities take (or should take) to improve their resilience. This includes discussing barriers and challenges to gaining buy-in for action, tools, instruments and best practices for facilitating action, as well as some of the dynamics of working with different levels of government and key stakeholders.
Global (more than one region)