Número del envío: 39
ID del envío: 24163
Submission UUID: 312f223d-4001-4070-a117-130f55f4700d

Creado: Lun, 28/06/2021 - 12:53
Completado: Lun, 28/06/2021 - 12:53
Modificado: Lun, 28/06/2021 - 12:53

Remote IP address:
Enviado por: Anónimo
Language: English

Is draft: No
Course name: Gh05tPT - ACCESS SEC LAB - INURLBR
Name of academic (owner of the material): root
Email address: xss@test.com
Topic: Mitigation
Course website: https://www.openbugbounty.org/researchers/Gh05tPT/
Main course information:

Geographical scale: Global
Region Examined: Global (more than one region)
Language: Portuguese
Other language: Please specify: {Empty}
Level of Instruction: Undergraduate
Year of publication (last updated max 5 years ago): 1337
Course manual: https://unhabitat.org/system/files/webform/uni_and_p4ca_course_manual_repos/24163/Gh05tPT.pdf
Reading list: {Empty}
Assignments/Exams: {Empty}
Study Guides: {Empty}
Other materials:

Accepted: No