The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is inviting national, regional and local governments, private sector (preferably registered with the UN Global Compact), non-governmental organizations, foundations, educational institutions, and other interested organizations to express their interest in hosting the Global Observance of World Cleanup Day 2025. On 8 December 2023, World Cleanup Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in…
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These Terms of Reference outline the engagement of an Implementing Partners to support UN-Habitat in advancing the urban reform in Ukraine. This will be achieved through the development of an Urban Planning Code Concept with the ambition that it will be translated into a legislative text.
1.1 Overview of UN-Habitat
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is the United Nations programme for…
Read moreProject Background-Harare Sustainable cities Initiative-HSCI
UN Habitat is the lead implementing agency for the project -Harare Sustainable Cities Initiative in Harare, Zimbabwe. This initiative is funded by the Swedish Government in Zimbabwe with the primary objective to provide better living condition to Harare citizens by increasing and improving their access to sustainable waste to wealth services, clean…
Read moreThe World Urban Forum
The World Urban Forum (WUF) is the world’s premier global conference on sustainable urbanization. It is a non-legislative technical forum convened by UN-Habitat since 2002 based on affirmation by the UN General Assembly through resolution A/RES/56/206.
WUF is now the premier international gathering for exchanging knowledge, views and experiences on adequate housing and sustainable urbanization. The inclusive nature of WUF, combined with high-level…
Read moreAbout African Clean Cities Platform
Africa has with 3.5% the highest urbanization rate in the world. It is one major reason why municipal solid waste management has become a big challenge for many cities in the region; low-income cities in Africa are expected to double their municipal solid waste generation within the next 15-20 years. To address this ever-increasing waste issue, the African Clean Cities Platform (ACCP) was established in 2017 in Maputo, Mozambique,…
Read more- Introduction / Background
GWOPA is the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance with its Secretariat led by UN-Habitat and hosted in Bonn, Germany. GWOPA leads the global movement for Water Operators’ Partnerships (WOPs). These peer-support partnerships between water and sanitation service providers work by harnessing the skills, knowledge, and goodwill within a strong utility to build the capacity and improve the…
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