The Committee of Permanent Representatives of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme will hold its open-ended meeting in preparations for the resumed second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly for the year 2025 from 26 to 28 May 2025.

Notification by the Executive Director
Notification by the Executive Director

Proposed Provisional Agenda
HSP/OECPR.2025/1 – Provisional Agenda

Pre-session Documents
HSP-OECPR-2025-3 :Report of the Executive Director on twelfth session of the World Urban Forum and preparations for the thirteenth session (Advance)

HSP-OECPR-2025-4 :Report of the Executive Director on Implementation of United Nations Habitat Assembly resolutions through the strategic plan for the period 2026–2029 (Advance)

In-session Documents
Draft outcomes of the CPR
Post-session Documents
Information for Participants
Daily Journal