The Committee of Permanent Representatives of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme will hold its open-ended meeting in preparations for the resumed second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly for the year 2025 from 26 to 28 May 2025.
- Notification by the Executive Director
- Proposed Provisional Agenda
- Programme
- Pre-session Documents
- In-session Documents
- Draft outcomes of the CPR
- Post-session Documents
- Statements
- Information for Participants
- Daily Journal
Notification by the Executive Director
Proposed Provisional Agenda
Pre-session Documents
HSP-OECPR-2025-3 :Report of the Executive Director on twelfth session of the World Urban Forum and preparations for the thirteenth session (Advance)
HSP-OECPR-2025-4 :Report of the Executive Director on Implementation of United Nations Habitat Assembly resolutions through the strategic plan for the period 2026–2029 (Advance)
In-session Documents
Draft outcomes of the CPR
Post-session Documents
Information for Participants
Daily Journal