Taking into account that the governance structure of the Organisation is fully operational, and given the significance of the vital oversight role of Member States in guiding the work of UN-Habitat, the seminar will be an opportunity for all delegations to UN-Habitat  to further familiarise themselves with the various roles and functions under the new structure as well as UN-Habitat’s mandate, activities, current work programme, and future priorities. The seminar will be held online on Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 January 2021 from 10:00 hours to 17.00 hours East Africa Time (EAT).

Background documents

Introduction and Programme Overview
Annotated programme

Nature of the United Nations Secretariat
Presentation by the Secretariat

Chart of the United Nations System

A/RES/13(I) General Assembly Resolution on the Organization of the Secretariat

Role and Purpose of Mandates
Presentation by the Secretariat

A/RES/3438 (XXX) endorsing the decision of the United Nations Environment Programme calling for conference on human settlements

A/RES/32/162 on institutional arrangements for international co-operation in the filed of human settlements

A/RES/56/206 on strengthening the mandate and status of UN-Habitat

A/RES/73/239 on strengthening of UN-Habitat

A/72/226 on Implementation of the outcomes of the UN Conferences on Human Settlements and on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development and strengthening of UN-Habitat

A/73/726 Report on the work of the Open-ended Working Group established by the Chair of the CPR to UN-Habitat

Report of the first session of the UN-Habitat Assembly

Decision 1-3 on transitional arrangements (UN-Habitat Assembly)

Rules of Procedure of the UN-Habitat Assembly

Rules of procedure of the Executive Board

Composition of the Bureaux of the UNHA, the EB and the CPR

UN-Habitat Strategic plan for the period 2020- 2023

Work programme and budget for 2021

Report of the Executive Board on the work of its resumed first meeting in Nov 2019

Decisions adopted by the Executive Board at its resumed first meeting in Nov 2019

Report of the Executive Board on the work of its first session of 2020 including the decisions adopted at that session

Report of the Executive Board on the work of its second session of 2020

Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during its second session of the year 2020

Report of the ad hoc working group on working methods on the proposed working methods of the Executive Board of UN-Habitat

HSP/HA.1/Res.1 on the strategic plan of UN-Habitat for the period 2020–2023

HSP/HA.1/Res.2 on Safer Cities and Human Settlements

HSP/HA.1/Res.3 on capacity-building for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda

HSP/HA.1/Res.4 on gender equality

HSP/HA.1/Res.5 on urban-rural linkages

A/RES/55/2 General Assembly Resolution Fifty-fifth session (United Nations Millennium Declaration)

HSP/HA.1/HLS.2 Rules of Procedure of the United Nations Habitat Assembly

A/RES/65/1 General Assembly Resolution: Keeping the promise: united to achieve the Millennium Development Goals

Secretariat Structure and Purpose – UN-Habitat’s Placement within the Secretariat Structure
Presentation by the Secretariat

ST/SGB/2009/3 Organization of the United Nations Office at Nairobi

ST/SGB/2015/3 Organization of the Secretariat of the United Nations

Chart of the United Nations System

Components of the United Nations System: Agencies, Funds, Programmes, and the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
Presentation by the Secretariat

Working Across the System: Cross-Cutting Policy Streams of Work and Coordination at Country and Regional Levels
Presentation by the Secretariat

Understanding the Ethical Framework of the United Nations
Presentation by the Secretariat

Putting Ethics to Work: A Guide for UN Staff

ST/SGB/2006/5 Acceptance of pro bono goods and services

Protection Against Retaliation—Whistleblower Policy
Presentation by the Secretariat

ST/SGB/2017/2/Rev.1 – Protection against retaliation for reporting misconduct and cooperating with duly authorised audit or investigations

ST/SGB/2018/1 – Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations

ST/SGB/2019/8 – Addressing discrimination, harassment including sexual harassment and abuse of authority

A/75/82 – Activities of the Ethics Office

A/RES/60/254 – Review of the efficiency and administrative functioning of the United Nations

Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Presentation by the Secretariat

ST/AI/2020/5 Temporary special measures for the achievement of gender parity

ST/SGB/2011/10 Young professionals programme

ST/SGB/2006/5 Acceptance of pro bono goods and services

ST/SGB/2003/13 Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse

ST/SGB/2002/18 New nomenclature for staff of the United Nations

ST/SGB/2019/8 Addressing discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, and abuse of authority

ST/SGB/2018/3 Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation

ST/SGB/2018/1 Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations

ST/SGB/2015/4 Supplement to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations

ST/SGB/2013/4/Amend.1 Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations

ST/SGB/2013/4 Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations

Internal and External Oversight at the United Nations
Presentation by the Secretariat

ST/SGB/2018/3 Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation

Budget and Finance at the United Nations
Presentation by the Secretariat

ST/SGB/2015/4/Amend.1 Supplement to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations

ST/SGB/2015/4 Supplement to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations

ST/SGB/2013/4/Amend.1 Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations

ST/SGB/2013/4 Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations

Voluntary Contributions and Other Funding Mechanisms
Presentation by the Secretariat

Resource Mobilisation Strategy
ST/AI/86 on programme support accounts

Memorandum on Cost Recovery: programme support cost 8 June 2021

A/74/73/Add.1 Report of the Secretary General on Funding Compact

The Budget and Finance Cycle – Regular and Extrabudgetary
Presentation by the Secretariat

Human Resources Management at the United Nations
Presentation by the Secretariat

A/73/372/Add.3 Report of the Secretary General: Assessment of the system of desirable ranges

A/RES/42/220 General Assembly Resolution Forty-second session

A/75/591 Report of the Secretary-General: Composition of the Secretariat

ST/AI/2020/5 Temporary special measures for the achievement of gender parity

ST/SGB/2011/10 Young professionals programme

ST/SGB/2002/18 New nomenclature for staff of the United Nations

ST/SGB/2018/1 Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations

Staff Selection – Equitable Geographic Representation & the Gender Imperative
Presentation by the Secretariat

ST/AI/2010/3 Staff Selection System