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World Urban Forum 7 Report - March 2015

The World Urban Forum is the world’s premier conference on urban issues. It was established by the United Nations to examine one of the most pressing issues facing the world today: rapid urbanization and its impact on communities, cities, economies, climate change and policies. The Forum is organized and convened by the Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHabitat) pursuant to paragraph 10 of resolution 18/5 of the Commission on Human Settlements, in which the Commission requested the Executive Director to promote a merger of the Urban Environment Forum and the International Forum on Urban Poverty into a new urban forum, with a view to strengthening the coordination of international support to the implementation of the Habitat Agenda.

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UN-Habitat Global Country Activities Report: 2015 - Increasing Synergy for Greater National Ownership

The UN-Habitat Global Activities Report formally the Operational Activities Report is an historical progress report to the Governing Council that takes into account the development made in addressing the UN-Habitat’s project portfolio at the national, regional and global levels. The Agency’s work has been more focused on promoting national urban policy reforms alongside building institutional and human capacities, and including helping and supporting the governments with the implementation of the national urban plans. UN-Habitat activities and programmes at the global, regional and national levels are crucial in increasing synergy for greater national ownership of the various sustainable urban development tools and best practices being promoted by the UN and the Habitat Agenda partners around the world. This report of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the world’s leading authority on urban matters, demonstrates through some of its selected activities delivered by the thematic Branches and the Regional Offices in the last two years how working together as Habitat Agenda partners at different levels can achieve for the urban resident and more specially the urban poor and the most vulnerable members of the urban society being the youth, omen and the elderly who are always at the receiving end of the urban threats and challenges.

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UN-Habitat, CAF - development bank of Latin America, Avina

Construction of More Equitable Cities

Despite a positive trend in inequality reduction in recent years, Latin American and the Caribbean cities are still the most unequal in the world. The publication Construction of More Equitable Cities: Public Policies for Inclusion in Latin America presented by UN-Habitat and CAF – development bank of Latin America examines, for the first time, income and consumption inequalities in a large sample of cities (over 300) over a period of 20 years (1990-2010). After comparing inequality trends, the study analyzes the factors that have created and reproduced them. It provides evidence of the relationship between inequality and different dimensions of development. The study concludes with policy recommendations that local authorities and other tiers of governments can implement to achieve more equitable cities.

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L’Etat des villes africaines: Réinventer la transition urbaine

Le continent africain se trouve en proie à des mutations majeures qui se déroulent simultanément dans les domains démographique, économique, technologique, environnemental, urbain et sociopolitique. La conjoncture économique est actuellement prometteuse en Afrique, où le dynamisme des villes va de pair avec l’essor des classes moyennes et l’avènement de marchés de consommation conséquents. Toutefois, en dépit d’une croissance d’ensemble non négligeable, ce n’est pas toute l’Afrique qui va bien. Dans les villes, l’expansion très rapide de la population s’accompagne d’une pauvreté massive et de nombreuses autres difficultés sociales. Voilà qui suggère que les trajectoires de développement suivies par les pays africains depuis les lendemains de l’indépendance risquent de ne pas pouvoir satisfaire les aspirations à l’épanouissement et à la prospérité pour tous. Le présent Rapport invite donc à réinventer avec audace, afin d’orienter les transitions en cours dans un sens plus “durable” et en prenant en considération toutes les grandes options possibles. Cela s’impose d’autant plus que les grands enjeux auxquels sont confrontées les villes africaines prennent une dimension plus aiguë du fait de la montée des menaces et des diverses formes de vulnérabilité qui accompagnent les bouleversements du climat et de l’environnement. Egalement disponible en version anglaise.