The Third Arab Land Conference
It will address a broad range of land-related topics and advance good land governance to achieve social, economic, environmental and peace dividends.
Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development
The Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) is an annual, inclusive intergovernmental forum to support follow-up and review of progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the regional level.
International Women's Day
Focusing on the need to Accelerate Action which emphasizes the importance of taking swift and decisive steps to achieve gender equality. It calls for increased momentum and urgency in addressing the systemic barriers and biases that women face, both in personal and professional spheres.
World Water Day
World Water Day 2025 will focus on the theme, ‘Glacier Preservation,’ to highlight the critical role of glaciers in sustaining life and the water cycle. Glaciers, mountain run-off, and snowmelt provide nearly two billion people with water for drinking, agriculture, and energy production.
The Day aims to raise awareness on the challenges created by melting glaciers and calls on the global community to accelerate carbon emission…
International Mother Earth Day
International Mother Earth Day aims to raise global public awareness of the challenges to the well-being of the planet and all the life it supports. The Day also recognizes a collective responsibility, as called for in the 1992 Rio Declaration, to promote harmony with nature and the Earth, to achieve a just balance among the economic, social, and environmental needs of the present and future generations of humanity.
Resumed Second Session of the UN-Habitat Assembly
The UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) will resume its Second Session to consider the Strategic Plan for UN-Habitat for 2026-2029. The Second Session is taking place under the theme, ‘A Sustainable Urban Future Through Inclusive and Effective Multilateralism: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Times of Global Crises’.
The UN General Assembly (UNGA) established the UN-Habitat Assembly in 2018 upon dissolution of the…
The 8th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
The eighth session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) will focus on the overall theme, ‘Everyday Counts, Act for Resilience Today,’ to underscore the urgency of accelerating progress in the implementation of the goals of the Sendai Framework for DRR.
World Environment Day
The UN celebrates World Environment Day annually on 5 June. The Day encourages worldwide awareness and action for the protection of the environment. The Day underscores the importance of urgent action to halt biodiversity loss, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, air pollution, and plastic waste and restore the environment.
Third UN Ocean Conference (UNOC)
(Dates are tentative)
The Third UN Ocean Conference (UNOC) will convene in Nice, France, in June 2025. The Governments of France and Costa Rica will co-chair the Conference, which aims to generate transformative action and provide solutions the ocean needs, supported by ocean science and funding for SDG 14 (life below water).
For further information kindly follow the provided link:…
4th International Conference on Financing for Development
The conference will address new and emerging issues, and the urgent need to fully implement the Sustainable Development Goals, and support reform of the international financial architecture.
World Population Day
World Population Day is celebrated annually on 11 July to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues.
High-Level Political Forum
The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) will be convened from Monday, 14 July, to Wednesday, 23 July 2025, under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council. This includes the three-day ministerial segment of the forum from Monday, 21 July, to Wednesday, 23 July 2024, as part of the High-level Segment of ECOSOC.
The theme of the HLPF is “Advancing sustainable, inclusive, science- and evidence-based…
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples takes place annually on 9 August to celebrate Indigenous Peoples and their knowledge and raise awareness of the needs of these groups. The Day highlights rights of Indigenous Peoples to make their own decisions and carry them out in ways that are meaningful and culturally appropriate to them.
13th International Conference on Sustainable Development
The 13th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) will be held on the theme, ‘Creating a Unified Foundation for Sustainable Development: Research, Practice, and Education’. The Conference aims to bring together individuals from research, policy, practice, and business to share ideas, present research fundings, and discuss professional issues relevant to sustainability science.
World Cleanup Day
World Cleanup Day offers the world an opportunity to undertake cleanup efforts around the world. The Day reminds society of our collective responsibility to preserve and maintain a clean and healthy environment and contribute to sustainable waste and resource management.
The UN General Assembly (UNGA) proclaimed September 20 as World Cleanup Day. The world is invited to observe the Day through activities aimed at raising awareness of…
World Governments Summit
World Governments Summit 2025 will be held under the theme, ‘Shaping Future Governments’. The Summit will gather thought leaders, global experts, and decision makers from around the globe to identify innovative solutions to future challenges. The Summit aims to inspire and empower the next generation of governments.
ECOSOC Partnership Forum
The 2025 Partnership Forum of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) will be held on 5 February 2025 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York under the theme, “Advancing sustainable, inclusive, science- and evidence-based solutions for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals for leaving no one behind”.
The Forum will place a special emphasis on the Sustainable Development…
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting 2025 convenes global leaders to address key global and regional challenges. These include responding to geopolitical shocks, stimulating growth to improve living standards, and stewarding a just and inclusive energy transition.
World Sustainable Transport Day
World Sustainable Transport Day is celebrated annually on 26 November. The UN General Assembly (UNGA) declared the Day in recognition of the important role of safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable transport systems for all in supporting sustainable economic growth, improving the social welfare of people, and enhancing international cooperation and trade among countries.
World Toilet Day
World Toilet Day is celebrated annually on 19 November to inspire action to tackle the global sanitation crisis and help achieve SDG 6, which promises sanitation for all by 2030. To meet the SDG sanitation target, the world needs to work on average, five times faster.
UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 29)
The 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 29) will convene from 11 to 22 November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan.
World Urban Forum (WUF12)
The Twelfth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF12) will take place in Cairo, Egypt. This session is the first time the Forum will take place on the African continent since its inaugural session in 2002 in Nairobi, Kenya. WUF12 will focus on sustainable, inclusive, and resilient cities. The is co-organized by the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), with the Government of Egypt.
The UN established the WUF in 2001 to examine the…
World Cities Day
The theme of World Cities Day 2024 will be linked to Youth leading climate and local action for cities. Young people advocate for bolder steps and actions to tackle climate crisis in our cities. It will draw attention on how we can capture these bold ideas and ambitious targets and turn them into achievements.
World Cities Day brings Urban October to an end on 31 October each year and was first celebrated in 2014. As with World Habitat…
World Health Summit
The World Health Summit 2024 will bring together stakeholders from politics, science, the private sector, and civil society from around the world to set the agenda for a healthier future by inspiring innovative solutions for better health and well-being for all. The Summit aims to: improve health worldwide; find answers to health challenges, guided by science; and promote the global health debate in the spirit of the SDGs.
World Habitat Day
The Global Observance of World Habitat Day will be held in the City of Querétaro, Mexico on 7 October 2024.
World Habitat Day is marked on the first Monday of October each year and is recognized by the United Nations to reflect on the state of towns and cities, and on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. The day is also intended to remind the world that everyone has the power and the responsibility to shape the future of towns…
World Architecture Day
Created by the UIA in 1985, World Architecture Day is celebrated annually on the first Monday of October coinciding with the UN-Habitat Global Observance of the World Habitat Day.
Fourth Forum of Mayors
The Fourth Forum of Mayors’ meeting, "The Cities Summit of the Future", will be held in Geneva from 30 September to 1 October 2024.
Following up on the Pact of the Future to be agreed by the United Nations Summit of the Future (New York, 22-23 September 2024), Mayors around the world will convene to collaboratively draw up an outcome statement, emphasizing the crucial role of cities and local actors in leading the way towards a…
World Maritime Day
World Maritime Day is celebrated annually to provide an opportunity to focus attention on the importance of shipping and other maritime activities and to emphasize a particular aspect of the work of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
International shipping transports over 80% of global trade to communities around the world, which emphasizes the importance of a safe, secure, and efficient international shipping industry in…
Climate Week NYC
Climate Week NYC 2024 will provide a platform for showcasing leading climate action and discussing how to do more.
The annual event is hosted by the Climate Group and New York City and takes place in conjunction with the UN General Assembly (UNGA). During the week, the Climate Group will host a main programme of in-person events, including an opening ceremony and The Hub Live.
Summit of the Future
The high-level event will bring together UN Member States, UN agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations (CSOs), academic institutions, the private sector, and youth under the theme, ‘Summit of the Future: Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow’. The Summit aims to forge a new global consensus on what our future should look like, and what we can do today to secure it.