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Habitat III Issue Papers
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Developing a framework for review of planning education curriculum in Kenya
Activities Report
Developing a framework for review of planning education curriculum in Kenya
Planning education in Kenya could play a significant role in promoting sustainable urbanisation if technical training and skills development content is framed to suit contemporary demands including mainstreaming the sustainable urban planning principles of the New Urban Agenda. In line with its universal mandate of supporting priorities of member states, UN-Habitat is available to play a meaningful and supportive role in the government-led process of reviewing university planning education
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Technical Report
Report on Sustainable Competitiveness of Cities Worldwide(2014-2015)
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Mogadishu Urban Analysis
Technical Report
Mogadishu Urban Analysis
This publication is the result of the project ‘Support to Regional Benadir Administration’s Central Department of Urban Planning’ implemented in technical cooperation between the UN-Habitat Somalia Programme and the Mogadishu Department of Urban Planning (DUP). The data contained in the urban analysis was collected during GPS surveys by UN-Habitat Somalia during 2010-2012 and by the Mogadishu Department of Urban Planning (DUP) during 2013.
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Annual progress report 2015 implementation of the strategic plan 2014 2019
Annual Report
Annual progress report 2015
The 2015 Annual Progress Report marks the second update on the implementation of the six-year strategic plan for 2014-2019 approved by UN-Habitat’s Governing Council in April 2013, and is in accordance with Governing Council resolution 25/3 of April 2015. This report also informs on progress made on the implementation of the first biennial Work Programme and Budget 2014-2015.
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Urban Energy Technical Note 21: Sustainable Building Finance - cover
Urban Energy Technical Note 21: Sustainable Building Finance
Finance has been identified among the most important barriers for the adoption of green building designs, and is the topic this guide seeks to address. The regional market presently does not provide adequate financial mechanisms and alternative lending products, i.e. green mortgages or preferential loans for sustainable, green and energy efficient buildings, and asset finance for integrated renewable energy networks. International experience with such products can inform how green property…
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Urban Energy Technical Note 20: Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks (ISSB) - cover
Urban Energy Technical Note 20: Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks (ISSB)
Building materials play a significant role in sustainable architecture. The choice of materials is crucial from the perspective of both the thermal performance and the environmental impact of the building.
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Urban Energy Technical Note 19: MARSABIT: Climate analysis and Sustainable Architecture - cover
Urban Energy Technical Note 19: MARSABIT: Climate analysis and Sustainable Architecture
A well-designed building according to its respective climate can respond to the need for thermal comfort. Green building design strategies should address each of the following climatic data: temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, rainfall and wind.
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Urban Energy Technical Note 18: Plastic Tubular Biogas Digester - cover
Urban Energy Technical Note 18: Plastic Tubular Biogas Digester
One way of reducing energy consumption in residential and institutional buildings such as schools and hospitals is by use of a tubular biogas digester. Use of biogas eliminates the use of the more expensive electricity and/or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Organic materials are the feedstocks for a biogas system. Some organic materials will digest more readily than others. Restaurants fats, oils and grease; animal manures; wastewater solids; food scraps, and; by-products from food and beverage…
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Press Release
Inaugural World Cleanup Day launches in Norway
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Technical Report
Amman Climate Action Plan
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Press Release
UN-Habitat announces 2024 Scroll of Honour Award winners
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Financial Audit
Acquisition report to Member States - August
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Acquisition Report August 2024
Financial Audit
Acquisition Report August 2024
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Draft work programme of UN-Habitat and draft budget of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for 2025
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Financial status of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme as at 30 June 2024
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Round table 2 Concept note
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Roundtable one concept note
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