
Development: A Survey of Best Practices and Future Recommendations
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Mainstreaming Migration and Displacement in Urban Planning and Public Space Development: A Survey of Best Practices and Future Recommendations
In response to the growing challenges of migration and displacement in urban areas, this publication presents principles for improving urban planning and public space development. Intended to illustrate best practices and guide practitioners, policymakers, and local authorities, these principles are supported by recommendations and examples from across UN-Habitat’s recent operational experience.
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Urban Regeneration for Localizing the Sustaianble Development Goals
Urban Regeneration for Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals
The paper ‘Urban Regeneration for Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals’ focuses on demonstrating how urban regeneration can drive progress across at least 15 SDGs and advance 45 targets. It includes four case studies from different regions to illustrate the impacts and lessons learnt.
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Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Shanghai Manual: A Guide for Sustainable Urban Development in the 21st Century - 2023 Annual Report
The Shanghai Manual was established in 2011 following the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai and serves as a tool to support the efforts of mayors and urban practitioners in advancing sustainable urban development. The ideas and principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and New Urban Agenda have been integrated into the Manual, with a focus on challenges such as how to achieve inclusive and liveable cities, innovative and creative cities and sustainable and resilient cities.
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Accelerating Integrated Urban Climate Action: Achievements and Impacts of the Urban-LEDS Phase II Project 2017 – 2021
Technical Report
Accelerating Integrated Urban Climate Action: Achievements and Impacts of the Urban-LEDS Phase II Project 2017 – 2021
The Urban-LEDS phase II sought to accelerate the pace of change in cities through targeted support to 72 local governments and 8 national governments to enhance integrated low emission and climate resilient development, access to finance and multi-level governance.
This report presents the learnings and progress from the development of Low Emissions Development Strategies and corresponding Climate Action Plans in 17 cities.
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European Union Funding to UN-Habitat 2014-2020
Activities Report
European Union Funding to UN-Habitat 2014-2020
This report provides an overview of the cooperation between the European Union and UN-Habitat over from 2014-2020 which corresponds to the EU’s last Multiannual Financial Framework. It provides key data on funding received by UN-Habitat for programmes around the world and gives impact stories from a selection of programmes. It also outlines next steps for cooperation.
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Generación de nuevos instrumentos para el financiamiento municipal Generating new instruments for municipal financing
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Generación de nuevos instrumentos para el financiamiento municipal Generating new instruments for municipal financing
This publication presents a set of notable urban finance experiences that have been applied to various municipal management objectives in several countries and discusses their potential applicability in Bolivian cities.

Esta publicación presenta un conjunto de experiencias destacadas de finanzas urbanas que han sido aplicadas a diversos objetivos de gestión municipal en varios países y discute su potencial aplicabilidad en las ciudades bolivianas.
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Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) through urban climate action
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) through urban climate action
This guide provides governments with practical opportunities for incorporating urban climate action and human settlement issues into NDC revision and enhancement processes. It is primarily targeted at national governments, specifically NDC coordination teams, but also provides insights for sub-national governments, the wider urban community, networks and non-governmental organisations aiming to support NDC enhancement and implementation process. It includes promising examples from submitted…
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Financing Sustainable Urbanization: Counting the Costs and Closing the Gap - Cover
Financing Sustainable Urbanization: Counting the Costs and Closing the Gap
This report presents an innovative pilot on how to count the costs for achieving SDG 11 developed by UN-Habitat and AidData. It furthermore presents UN-Habitat estimations on the total SDG and infrastructure investment gap as well as the total financing capacity available. Finally, the report discusses possibilities for bridging the investment gap for SDG 11 and urban infrastructure.
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Urban Crises and the Informal Economy: Surviving, Managing, Thriving in Post-Conflict Cities - Cover
Technical Report
Urban Crises and the Informal Economy: Surviving, Managing, Thriving in Post-Conflict Cities
Political upheaval or violent conflict is often characterised by a fundamental failure of governance, and the destruction of local economies, and yet in the aftermath of conflict people reconstruct their livelihoods and rebuild urban services through informal mechanisms of survival and support. This report explores the response of the urban informal economy to urban crises, its role in poverty reduction, peace building and development in post-conflict cities, and its scope as a platform for…
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Press Release
Inaugural World Cleanup Day launches in Norway
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Technical Report
Amman Climate Action Plan
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Press Release
UN-Habitat announces 2024 Scroll of Honour Award winners
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Financial Audit
Acquisition report to Member States - August
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Acquisition Report August 2024
Financial Audit
Acquisition Report August 2024
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Draft work programme of UN-Habitat and draft budget of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for 2025
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Financial status of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme as at 30 June 2024
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Round table 2 Concept note
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Roundtable one concept note
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