2022-2023 ANNUAL REPORT National Urban Policy Programme, Phase Two: ‘Scaling up People-Centered Smart Cities through National Urban Policies’
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2022-2023 ANNUAL REPORT National Urban Policy Programme, Phase Two: ‘Scaling up People-Centered Smart Cities through National Urban Policies’

The National Urban Policy Programme (NUPP) remains a central tool towards promotion and realisation of an inclusive, resilient, and sustainable urban development. The Korea-funded National Urban Policy Programme (K-NUPP) 2022-2023 report reviews the first year of implementation in the second phase of the programme. The report articulates the commitment of UN-Habitat through the Policy, Legislation and Governance Section, in collaboration with the government of the Republic of Korea through the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) to support phase 2 implementation in Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Egypt, Mozambique, Paraguay, I.R. Iran, Myanmar, and Niger State (Nigeria).

With reference to the programme objectives, the report details progress made, and results achieved in 2022-2023, innovative approaches applied, challenges faced, and projected activities for 2024 for each of the participating countries. It further outlines the contribution made by K-NUPP to the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda through National Urban Policies.

This report is a co-creation of the Republic of Korea, UN-Habitat, Republic of Azerbaijan, Kingdom of Cambodia, Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic of Mozambique, Republic of Paraguay, Islamic Republic of Iran, Myanmar, and Niger State (Federal Republic of Nigeria).