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Building Bridges: Executive Director's Report (2018-2023)

In the past six years, UN-Habitat has grown from strength to strength. The World Urban Forum is now indisputably the world’s premier United Nations platform for sustainable urbanization. The Foundation non-earmarked fund has displayed a surplus for 2 consecutive years, emerging from a 12-year deficit. The total earmarked and technical cooperation fund is USD 700 million, recalling the significant work of UN-Habitat including in over 600 cities worldwide.

UN-Habitat is now present in all global platforms including at the UN General Assembly where we were selected on the high impact pillar on localization. It is very clear that shelter, housing, and sustainable urbanization cut across all political divides. UN-Habitat’s efforts here once again highlights the value added of the United Nations and its funds and programmes as bridge-builders.

This report shows UN-Habitat’s main achievements between 2018 and 2024. The journey continues as we complete the implementation of the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan and the development of the next Strategic Plan that will see UN-Habitat through to 2030.