Qoloji Spatial Profile
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Qoloji Spatial Profile

Qoloji, located in the Somali Region of Ethiopia, is the largest of the many settlements hosting internally displaced communities in the country. In 2020-2021, UN-Habitat was funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) to develop the Qoloji Spatial Profile, which focused on establishing the existing conditions, identifying challenges and opportunities, developing the scenarios, and outlining recommendations for a durable settlement.

This spatial profile is part of a wider set of project initiatives that examine how the socio-economic development of the area can be enhanced holistically to benefit both IDP and host communities living there. In order to design interventions of that nature, it is critical to begin with comprehending the existing situation. This is important given that the Somali Region is a historically marginalized part of Ethiopia, with high poverty levels and poorly developed infrastructure alongside decades of displacement. This, in combination with other factors, has left households in the area facing unique development challenges which can now be responded to in new ways as efforts to link humanitarian and development approaches gain support. A strong focus upon durable solutions are key foundations to shifting the agenda and providing a base from which sustainable and concrete interventions can begin to take place.

The broad intention of a spatial profile is to support this process. Its aim is to prepare a multi-scalar and multi-dimensional set of maps and supporting narrative which serve as a basis for informing further study and decision making in the area. By both collating data and observations from primary sources and field operations and synthesizing narratives and opportunities for tangible development and potential integration, this study will enable humanitarian actors, development agencies, local and national governments, as well as other relevant stakeholders to be working on coordination to aim better towards durable solutions.

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