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Submission UUID: 74760179-d400-45a3-aee0-189ea391592d

Creado: Lun, 04/11/2019 - 18:15
Completado: Lun, 04/11/2019 - 18:15
Modificado: Vie, 15/11/2019 - 12:03

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Public Participation versus Climate change
Rasha Sayed
Adaptation, Climate Resilience, Mitigation
Due to different challenges and deformation in natural resources that the whole world faces, especially Egypt, and due to climate change and other political, economic and natural impacts, the need for qualified calibers, who can work with public and participate in reactivation of their vital role for climate change adaptation and mitigation, with people we can reach one reasonable base that present communities able to deal with climate change impact and present ideas as climate resilience, climate adaptation, and mitigation. Egypt is already considered one of the countries face a huge impact of climate change on all scales (El Raey, 1999) especially for the northern community of Nile Delta, for an example, Egypt is already below water poverty level like other different countries, which could indicate that the next global conflict could be because of water, Egypt, in particular, has reached a stage where the quantity of water is hindering its economic development (Ashour et al., 2009). Water pollution may lead to the reduction of the amount of freshwater available for use and also because of its devastating effect on development (Lonergan, 2018). Making people understand that and train them for legal planned actions to use water in different fields like irrigation and light home industries are at the top of planners and students who work in the field. Understanding the global issues related to planning, resources management, efficiency, and sustainable people actions has become a must. The suggested module is a level 6 final year course that addresses the concept of public understanding and public participation in climate change impact adaptation and mitigation to reach resilience climate solutions on a community city scale. It is an undergraduate elective course, designed for students who want to combine political socio-economic science and management with planning, so it is a multidisciplinary course that could gather different students from different majors. Students must practice and be aware of the global problem of climate change, its impact and sustainable planning principles that could be used. This course is designed to demonstrate the present and future climate resilience from public experience and interference. Many case studies must be addressed nationally and internationally, sites’ visits and communities’ integrations. Students must understand that any sustainable planning ideas and application come first from public understanding and participation, how to train people and integrate than in your strategic planning or your design is a high precedence concept. Such engagement comes along with the most recent local and global issues they are introduced to in the course and this could produce/ result in a well-knowledgeable graduate who is capable of finding many job opportunities in the climate resilience field. The course provides the students with theoretical and technical material to help them with their assignments and activities throughout the semester. This 20-credit elective course can be taken by economics, science, planning, architecture, and social science.
Global (more than one region)
In-Service Training/Continuing Education