
SDG Cities - Canada Country Report 2024
Country Report
SDG Cities - Canada Country Report 2024
UN-Habitat’s SDG Cities Canada Report marks a groundbreaking national initiative,
showcasing how cities across the country are localizing the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). This report offers a unique perspective, analyzing national statistics through
the lens of city-specific indicators from UN-Habitat’s Global Urban Monitoring Framework
(UMF). These indicators have been meticulously refined and tailored to address the unique
challenges faced by…
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Country Report
Ukraine mission report
This second mission of UN-Habitat was deployed to Ukraine to prepare for the upcoming launch of UN-Habitat’s activities in the country, in line with the requests from its Executive Board (March 2022) and a request from the government of Ukraine (July 2022). It allowed the team to address a number of issues that required clarification before the establishment of UN-Habitat in Ukraine.
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Evaluation of The Impact of UN-Habitat’s Housing Approach to Adequate, Affordable Housing and Poverty Reduction, 2008-2019: Zambia Country Report (4/2020)
Country Report
Evaluation of The Impact of UN-Habitat’s Housing Approach to Adequate, Affordable Housing and Poverty Reduction, 2008-2019: Zambia Country Report (4/2020)
The Zambian government and UN-Habitat have implemented various strategies and policies to address the housing deficit, including upgrading informal settlements, improving land tenure security, and promoting affordable housing finance options. However, challenges remain due to the high cost of building materials, lack of access to affordable finance, weak land administration systems, and the informal nature of much of the housing stock.
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Evaluation of The Impact of UN-Habitat’s Housing Approach to Adequate, Affordable Housing and Poverty Reduction, 2008-2019: ROLAC (Mexico) Report (4/2020)
Country Report
Evaluation of The Impact of UN-Habitat’s Housing Approach to Adequate, Affordable Housing and Poverty Reduction, 2008-2019: ROLAC (Mexico) Report (4/2020)
Mexico has launched a housing policy to enhance the quality of housing, inclusivity, and the public sector's role in urban development. Activities include renovating housing and neighborhoods, providing critical services and infrastructure to marginalized communities, and encouraging diversified, inclusive, and sustainable living options. The policy faces challenges, such as limited government funding and the demand to attract private sector investments, as well as developing the capacity…
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State of Addis Vol. II: Towards a Healthier City
Country Report
State of Addis Vol. II: Towards a Healthier City
The 'State of Addis Vol.II: Towards a healthier city', focuses on how the COVID 19 pandemic unfolded in the city of Addis Ababa. The report explores the impact of the pandemic on the city; the response from the authorities and civil society; and the relation of urban infrastructure to urban health and resilience in the context of Addis Ababa.
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First Report on the State of Prosperity of the Cities of Bolivia
Country Report
First Report on the State of Prosperity of the Cities of Bolivia: Primer reporte del estado de la prosperidad de las ciudades de Bolivia
The First Report on the State of Prosperity of the Cities of Bolivia reflects the results of the Prosperous Cities Index (CPI), designed by UN-Habitat.
This index was calculated for 26 urban municipalities in the country in order to provide decision makers with tools that allow them to define a strategic vision for their cities based on data and evidence.
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UN-Habitat Lebanon & ESCWA State of Lebanese Cities 2021
Country Report
UN-Habitat Lebanon & ESCWA State of Lebanese Cities 2021
The State of the Lebanese Cities Report presents primary and secondary data and analysis across themes relevant to sustainable development in Lebanon as an overwhelmingly urban country. Following decades of rapid and unplanned urban expansion resulting in dire inequalities in access to services and infrastructure within and between cities which have been exacerbated by the compound crisis emerging since 2019.
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Saudi cities report 2019 - cover
Country Report
Saudi Cities Report 2019
This report shows with compelling evidence the current state of Saudi cities. It presents the key challenges that urban areas in Saudi Arabia contend with, as well as the opportunities they have in contributing to national and sustainable Foreword development. Saudi cities need to be more economically diversified and productive; it is also important to strengthen the institutional and legislative frameworks of Saudi cities as a basis of implementing a reinvigorated notion urban planning that…
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Saudi Cities Report 2018 -Executive Summary  - cover
Country Report
Saudi Cities Report 2018 - Executive Summary
This report shows with compelling evidence the current state of Saudi cities. It presents the key challenges that urban areas in Saudi Arabia contend with, as well as the opportunities they have in contributing to national and sustainable Foreword development. Saudi cities need to be more economically diversified and productive; it is also important to strengthen the institutional and legislative frameworks of Saudi cities as a basis of implementing a reinvigorated notion urban planning that…
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Expression of Interest
Expression of interest for hosting WHD/WCD 2026
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Presentation made by the Secretariat
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Presentation by the Executive Director
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Global strategy for the UN’s engagement with local and regional governments
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Global strategy for the UN’s engagement with local and regional governments
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Global strategy for the UN’s engagement with local and regional governments
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HSP/OEWG-H.2024/1 - Provisional Agenda
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Press Release
Inaugural World Cleanup Day launches in Norway
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Technical Report
Amman Climate Action Plan
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