Preparing Cities to Monitor and Report on Goal 11

Nairobi, 17 July 2018 - With support from UN-Habitat’s Global Urban Observatory and the Africa Center for Statistics at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), two cities in Tunisia are developing frameworks for monitoring and reporting on SDG 11. Specialized training workshops conducted in the cities of Monastir and Tozeur were attended by high level government officials, demonstrating commitment and goodwill.


UN-Habitat promotes urban prosperity in Global Future Cities Programme

Nairobi, 16 July 2018 -- UN-Habitat today announced a collaboration with the United Kingdom Government on Strategic Development Phase of the Global Future Cities Prosperity Fund Programme. The £1.2 billion Prosperity Fund was created in 2015 by the UK Government and aims to reduce poverty through inclusive economic growth in developing countries. It is primarily funded by the UK’s aid budget.


UN forum spotlights cities, where struggle for sustainability ‘will be won or lost’

Through the inherently integrated nature of urban development, the 11th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) impacts a wide range of 2030 Agenda issues from sustainable consumption and production to affordable and clean energy along with health, sustainable transportation, clean water and sanitation. Basically, life on land.

According to the UN, cities are where the struggle for global sustainability “will either be won or lost.”



UN-Habitat-led SDG 11 report

New UN-Habitat-led report looks at the challenges and opportunities posed by the SDG on cities

Nairobi, 6 July 2018—UN-Habitat and partners have published a new report called the SDG 11 synthesis report outlining the international community’s progress towards the so called ‘urban goal’ and the challenges faced.



UN-HABITAT 2018 International Urban Design Student Competition

Urban Heritage & Transformation: Wuhan, China.

UN-Habitat in collaboration with the Wuhan Land Use and Spatial Planning Research Centre (WLSP) is looking for creative and innovative urban design ideas from students for a vacant waterfront site in inner-city Wuhan, China. The competition is part of the UN-Habitat – WLSP programme “People Orientated Urban Public Spaces” and covers the following key themes:
