World Habitat Day 2014 Message of the UN-Habitat Executive Director Dr. Joan Clos

Dr Clos WHDMonday, 6 October 2014Every year on the first Monday of October we reflect on the state of our human settlements and what we want the cities of our future to look like. This year, the United Nations has chosen to turn the spotlight on the people who live or have lived in informal settlements, listening to “Voices from Slums”.


Slum Upgrading is all the rage in Kenya’s Kilifi County


Kilifi, Kenya, 24 September 2014 – Caleb Omondi is a music producer whose ears are always alert looking for the next talent he is going to release to the Kenyan public. The 30 year old father of one says because of the nature of his work, he is often required to work late arriving home in the dead of the night.


City actors commit to action at UN Climate Summit

New York, 23 September 2014: National and local governments, mayors, financial institutions, and private sector companies have made robust commitments to the fight against climate change as the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr Ban Ki-moon, highlighted cities as one of the key areas of action that need attention. 

Mr Ban was speaking at the Climate Change Summit taking place at the UN Headquarters, announcing several key commitments being made today by the world’s nations and cities. 


Cooperation agreement promotes sustainable use of underground urban space

Nairobi, 22 September 2014: A memorandum of understanding signed earlier this month with Associated research Centers for the Urban Underground Space (ACUUS) aims to raise awareness of best practices of the sustainable uses of underground space for urban development.

The agreement specifically focuses on adequate urban drainage management, city planning, and sustainable mobility solutions, promoting their use and best practice among decision-makers and local authorities.



We committed ourselves to implement the Habitat Agenda – Ban Ki-moon

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at PrepCom1 (c) UN Photo/Kim Houghton

New York, 17 September 2014 – The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, told member state representatives that guided by the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and considering that human beings are at the centre of concerns surrounding sustainable development, we are committed to implement the Habitat Agenda. 
