UN-Habitat meets with the new refugee community in a design workshop

Kalobyei2Kayolobeyei, Kenya 10 August 2016-- UN-Habitat with the support of the Government of Japan is contributing to the spatial planning component for the new refugee settlement in Kalobeyei, Turkana County. The UN-Habitat approach has a strong participatory component and is as such following a series of participatory research and planning workshops with the host and refugee communities. .



Turkana Youth exploring towns` livelihoods in UN-Habitat photography workshops

Kakuma-Turkana1Kakuma, Kenya 4 August 2016—A group of youths from Kakuma and Kaloeyebei areas of Kenya’s Turkana County recently had the once in a lifetime opportunity to train in photography. The photography workshop was organized by UN-Habitat Kakuma within the project Supporting Planning for Integrated Refugees and Host Communities, funded by the Government of Japan.



UN-Habitat and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh to partner on multi-stakeholder platform for SDG11

Nairobi/Amman 15 July 2016-UN-Habitat, the United Nations organization responsible for human settlements and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), a leading global professional and education services firm, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to carry forward the "Network Eleven Initiative." The Network Eleven Initiative was launched last year under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11): to build by 2030 ‘inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable urban settlements and cities’.



UN-Habitat Support to Sustaina
Publication date

UN-Habitat Support to Sustainable Urban Development in Kenya - Volume 2

Report on Capacity Building for County Governments under the Kenya Municipal Programme. 

This is the second report in a series titled ‘UN-Habitat Support to Sustainable Urban Development in Kenya’. The focus of this report is on capacity development activities conducted for the Kenya Municipal Programme, Cluster I and II urban centres, namely: Mombasa, Kitui and Malindi. The report captures the outcomes of a One-Day Learning Session and a Two-Day Rapid Planning Studio conducted for county technical officers and two One-Day Learning Sessions for Members of County Assemblies.

The content of the report is structured into five sections: Part 1 describes the Background to the Kenya Municipal Programme, and UN-Habitat’s Support to the Programme; Part 2 provides the urbanisation context of Mombasa, Kitui and Malindi; Part 3 examines the implementation of urban development plans and the challenges it faces; Part 4 is a report on the outcomes of the One-Day Learning Sessions; and Part 5 discusses the outcomes of the Two-Day Rapid Planning Studio.

UN-Habitat and UNHCR sign agreement on sustainable settlements planning in Turkana, Kenya

Turkana, 11 July 2016-- UN-Habitat and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) last week signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This MoU, signed by UN-Habitat’s Director of Regional Office for Africa Prof. Oyeyinka Oyebanji and UNHCR Country Representative for Kenya Mr. Raouf Mazou, will endorse on-going UN-Habitat’s contribution to a development of a new settlement hosting both refugees and host communities in Turkana County, Kenya.

