UN-Habitat is structured in three main bodies:
- The Governing Council (GC), whose role is to set the major strategic and policy directions for UN-Habitat and approve its programmes and budget. It is composed of 58 member states that are elected by the UN General Assembly's Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The Governing Council meets every two years.
- The UN-Habitat Secretariat, whose task is to ensure the execution of the Governing Council’s decisions and to translate these into specific strategies, programmes and initiatives. The Secretariat is the executive body of the organization. Headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, it acts as the focal point for all urban and human settlement matters within the United Nations system.
- The Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR), which ensures that the Governing Council’s decisions are enacted by the Secretariat within the set framework. It has a supervising role and represents the Governing Council at the Secretariat to address issues arising between the biennial Governing Council meetings. The CPR is composed of ambassadors or foreign envoys of member states accredited to UN-Habitat.