Towards a new generation of Voluntary Local Reviews: Connecting VLRs and VNRs
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UN-Habitat | UCLG

Towards a new generation of Voluntary Local Reviews: Connecting VLRs and VNRs

Voluntary local reviews global community has been growing at an encouraging peace. The second volume of the UCLG-UN-Habitat Guidelines analyses 64 full-fledged VLRs compared to the 37 available in the first volume of 2020. This rapid progress demonstrates that cities and local governments had the willingness and capacity for worth reporting.

The emergence of VLRs and the information they provide is changing the approach to the national review. Local reviews are changing the local-national dynamic through VNR-VLR linkages. Through VLRs, local and regional governments can engage with their communities in a much more transparent and accountable way, while advancing the mainstreaming of the SDGs in their functions and service delivery to meet resident’s needs and leave no one behind. The