
Voluntary Local Review, Municipality of Agadir, Morocco
Voluntary Local Review, Municipality of Agadir, Morocco
The Voluntary Local Review (VLR) of the city of Agadir marks an important milestone for Morocco as it is the first in the country and in North Africa. It is the result of the collaboration between the Municipality of Agadir, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA), the United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) and the United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia Section (UCLG-MEWA).
Agadir’s VLR rests on evidence-based,…
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Guidelines  for Voluntary Local Reviews Vol.1: A Comparative Analysis of Existing VLRs - cover
Guidelines for Voluntary Local Reviews Volume 1: A Comparative Analysis of Existing VLRs
The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide local and regional governments with an unprecedented opportunity to contribute to the achievement of global targets and participate as peers in the post-2015 vision and sense of purpose of the international community. It is argued that 65% of the SDGs could not be achieved unless local government is fully and equitably involved in implementation. Over the past few years, the localization of the SDGs has brought about huge…
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