
Innovación y tecnología digital para la reinvención del Presupuesto Participativo como herramienta de resiliencia social
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Innovación y tecnología digital para la reinvención del Presupuesto Participativo como herramienta de resiliencia social
El potencial del Presupuesto Participativo (PP), especialmente el relacionado con los beneficios indirectos generados, sigue sin ser explorado. El PP permite la rápida adopción de acciones y la asignación de recursos financieros que resultan de las interacciones entre habitantes y gobierno.Los autores proponen formas innovadoras de PP para difundir información relevante, aumentar la conciencia y mitigar riesgos e impactos de las crisis naturales, sanitarias y económicas de una forma más efectiva
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Innovation and digital technology to re-imagine Participatory Budgeting as a tool for building social resilience
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Innovation and digital technology to re-imagine Participatory Budgeting as a tool for building social resilience
The potential of Participatory Budgeting (PB), especially the subsequent downstream benefits that can be generated, remains still unexplored. PB makes possible the adoption of actions and the allocation of financial resources that result from the interactions between people and government. The authors propose innovative ways to engage with PB as a driver to disseminate information, increase awareness, and mitigate the risks and impacts of natural, health, and economic shocks.
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Data Gathering for Somalia Cities | Training manual
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Data Gathering for Somalia Cities | Training manual
The manual is meant to fit into a training course for data gathering in Somalia. It serves as an introduction for local government and other interested stakeholders, guiding through the different scales and themes relevant to the context, the different methods of gathering data, and the types of data that can be gathered. 
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Mapping Somali Cities| Training Manual
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Mapping Somali Cities| Training Manual
This manual is part of a UN-Habitat strategy for building up capacity of local and state government in Somalia and laying the foundation for the establishment of functional urban development departments able to cope with the tremendous urban development challenges of the country. Mapping is only one of the technical skills at the base of urban planning.
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SUMP Guidelines for Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan in Kosovo’s cities – FIRST EDITION
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Guidelines for Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in Kosovo’s Cities – First Edition
The National Guidelines on Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP) takes a fresh, forward-looking approach for a relatively new field of action by municipalities and their partners in Kosovo. Considering existing guidance from the European Union and our real experiences from implementing SUMPs in the Municipality of Mitrovica South and the Municipality of Mitrovica North, the aim of this publication is to provide guidance on developing sustainable urban transportation systems.
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Guidelines for Voluntary Local Reviews. Volume 2: Towards a New Generation of VLRs: Exploring the local-national link
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Guidelines for Voluntary Local Reviews Volume 2: Towards a New Generation of VLRs: Exploring the local-national link
The Volume 2 of the VLR Series, the Guidelines for Voluntary Local Reviews, jointly developed by UN-Habitat and UCLG, provides an overview and analysis of how the linkage between national and local levels is playing out.
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Building Participatory Accountability Systems for City Policies - Handbook
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Building Participatory Accountability Systems for City Policies - Handbook
The Handbook for “Building Participatory Accountability Systems for City Policies” offers guidance on how to develop urban projects and interventions through a participatory and consultative approach with city stakeholders, while allowing for flexibility to tailor interventions to the specific needs of individual cities and regions.
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UNH-UNICEF_Neighbourhood Profiles Toolkit-page-001
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Toolkit: How to Read and Use the Lebanon Neighbourhood Profiles
To promote evidence-based programming and coordination among state and non-state actors, UN-Habitat and UNICEF have jointly completed 28 profiles of disadvantaged neighbourhoods across Lebanon. This collaboration responds to the long-standing need for reliable, multi-sectoral spatial data required to inform sustainable development and humanitarian response by all actors.
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Guideline on Riverbank Filtration in Egypt
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Guideline on Riverbank Filtration in Egypt
Riverbank Filtration is a water provision solution that uses riverbank soil as a natural filter. Having implemented more than 30 units in Egypt, UN-Habitat supported the drafting of the “Guideline on Riverbank Filtration in Egypt” to support effective and accurate institutionalization of the technology in the Egyptian codes and practices. The guideline supports planning, site selection, designing, construction, monitoring and maintenance of RBF units in Egypt.
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HSP/EB.2023/22: Report of the Executive Board of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme on the work of its third session of 2023
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HSP/EB.2024/INF/1 : List of Documents
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HSP/EB.2024/INF/5 : Note by the Secretariat on Overview of the options for Operationalization of the Sustainable Urban Resilience for the Next Generation Initiative
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HSP/EB.2024/10 : Report of the Executive Director on Action by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme to strengthen protection against sexual and any other type of exploitation and abuse and against sexual harassment in the workplace
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HSP/EB.2024/10 : Report of the Executive Director on Action by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme to strengthen protection against sexual and any other type of exploitation and abuse and against sexual harassment in the workplace
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HSP/EB.2024/10 : Report of the Executive Director on Action by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme to strengthen protection against sexual and any other type of exploitation and abuse and against sexual harassment in the workplace
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HSP/EB.2024/10 : Report of the Executive Director on Action by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme to strengthen protection against sexual and any other type of exploitation and abuse and against sexual harassment in the workplace
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HSP/EB.2024/10 : Report of the Executive Director on Action by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme to strengthen protection against sexual and any other type of exploitation and abuse and against sexual harassment in the workplace
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HSP/EB.2024/10 : Report of the Executive Director on Action by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme to strengthen protection against sexual and any other type of exploitation and abuse and against sexual harassment in the workplace
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