Guidelines on markets' spatial adaptation for COVID-19 prevention in urban areas of Mozambique
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Guidelines on markets' spatial adaptation for COVID-19 prevention in urban areas of Mozambique

As it is happening globally, COVID-19 pandemic is particularly affecting urban areas in Mozambique, especially informal settlements and high-density public spaces. In order to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Mozambican territory, the largest urban centers of the country are adopting prevention and response measures in the medium and long term. Public spaces and urban facilities of greater agglomeration, such as markets and other businesses considered essential, are priority environments for adaptation, in view of the potential spread of the virus in these places and their socio-economic importance for the most vulnerable populations.

The Sero-epidemiological surveys carried out in some Mozambican cities showed that the markets are key places for COVID-19 transmission, due to the high flow of people, high density, the lack of proper hygiene conditions and access to water, among others.

In this context, UN-Habitat in collaboration with the Urban Task Force (UTF) for COVID-19 response in urban areas prepared this manual. The UTF is a platform established in early 2020, coordinated by the Government of Mozambique (MAEFP, MOPHRH, MTA, ANAMM, INGC), with UN-Habitat secretariat and participation of the Mozambican Municipalities, as well as national and international development organizations acting in urban areas.

This manual was designed with the aim of providing technical assistance to local governments and other key stakeholders in Mozambique to guide the effective transformation of markets in order to prevent COVID-19 in urban areas.