Basic information

Funding amount: US$ 12.75 million

Donor: Lebanon Financing Facility (LFF)


Duration: January 2022 to June 2025 Location: Beirut, Lebanon
Status: Active Number of beneficiaries: 160 households residing in heavily damaged buildings; 85 CCIs practitioners and 65 CCIs entities

The Beirut Housing Rehabilitation and Cultural and Creative Industries Recovery Project, BERYT, is a two-component project led by UN-Habitat and funded by the Lebanon Financing Facility (LFF) a multi-donor trust fund administered by the World Bank. 

The BERYT project will rehabilitate severely damaged residential buildings of heritage value and provide grants to creative and cultural actors in the areas most heavily affected by the Port of Beirut blast, while promoting an urban recovery approach. 

UN-Habitat oversees the implementation of the housing recovery and rehabilitation activities, while UNESCO oversees the implementation of the cultural and creative industries revitalization component of the project.

Grievance Mechanism (GM)

UN-Habitat has established a Grievance Mechanism (GM) which will ensure that stakeholders have the opportunity to provide feedback, submit inquiries and requests for information, as well as submit complaints related to the project. Anyone who is affected by or has an opinion about the project may submit feedback, make an inquiry or request or complaint related to this project.

To submit your feedback, inquiries or requests please access the forms in English or Arabic through the below links.

To find out more about the GM, click here.

BERYT GM Box Locations Map

Project documents

UN-Habitat has prepared an Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) which sets out material measures and actions, specific documents or plans, as well as the timing for each of these. Based on the World Bank's ESSs that apply, UN-Habitat has prepared the following instruments together with the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan:

Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)

This Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) includes mitigation, monitoring, documentation and reporting, and institutional setup and capacity building plans primarily aiming at meeting the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) requirements and relevant national regulations. The ESMP is also in line with the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), and the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) developed at the onset of the project.

Download the ESMP for buildings Re_694, Re_710, Ac_726 and Re_679 here.

Download the ESMP for building Re_738 here

Download the ESMP for buildings Me_119, Re_264, Re_364, Re_425, Re_643/644, Re_692,
Re_2011 and Re_2307 here. 

Download the ESMP for batch 4 buildings Re_212, Re_214, Re_714, Me_30 and Me_46 here.

Related Sustainable Development Goals

Related Sustainable Development Goals

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Donors and partners

Our Experts

Taina Christiansen
UN-Habitat Lebanon Country Programme
UN-Habitat Lebanon, UN House (ESCWA), Riad el Solh Square, Beirut, Lebanon

