The People-Centred Smart Cities Flagship Programme
Our work
International guidelines on people-centred smart cities
UNITAC Hamburg
The United Nations Innovation Technology Accelerator for Cities in Hamburg (UNITAC Hamburg), Germany, was established to address the potential of digital technologies, data and innovation to contribute to sustainable urban development. The Accelerator uses innovation, prototyping and applied research methodologies to develop innovative solutions that accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals related to cities and urbanization.
Playbook Series
This new series of playbooks is a key normative component of UN-Habitat’s People Centred-Smart Cities flagship programme that aims to empower local governments to take a multi-stakeholder approach to digital transformation that realises sustainability, inclusivity, prosperity and human rights for the benefit of all.
Digital Rights
The People Centred-Smart Cities flagship programme supports national and local governments with their digital transition, applying a multi-level governance strategy to help build skills and capacity to develop, procure and effectively use digital technologies in an ethical, inclusive and sustainable way to make sure that no one is left behind.
Challenge-driven Innovation
The People Centred-Smart Cities Programme applies challenge-driven innovation approaches to identify issues and challenges faced locally by cities and matching them with innovative and smart solutions from the private sector. We partner with different stakeholders to develop collaborative projects to accelerate innovations with the potential to solve societal challenges and contribute to the SDGs and the New Urban Agenda.
Compendium of people-centred practices
A collection of innovative solutions (tools, mobile applications, digital platforms, reports, trainings, guidelines, etc.) that contribute to improving quality of life in cities and regions. These solutions are developed around the world at the national and local levels by government agencies, international institutions, NGOs, research institutions, private companies, etc.
Our experts