
The second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly was held from 5 to 9 June 2023 in Nairobi. Kenya. The theme of the session was “A sustainable urban future through inclusive and effective multilateralism: achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in times of global crises.”

Highlighted documents of the Executive Board

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None available.

Meetings of the Executive Board

None available.

Highlighted documents of the Committee of Permanent Representatives

None available.
None available.
None available.

Meetings of the Committee of Permanent Representatives

None available.

Highlighted documents of the High Level Meeting

None available.
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Meetings of the High Level Meeting

None available.
Title Governing body Type of document Meeting Meeting date Sort descending
HSP/EB.2020/8 - Progress in the implementation of the strategic plan for the period 2020−2023: draft results-based management policy Document 2018-2019 Third Meeting of the CPR Subcommittee on Roadmap to the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan Preparations and Outcome of WUF9
Agenda Item 1 - Provisional Agenda for the 69 CPR Document 69 Regular Meeting of the CPR
Country Activities Report 2019: Supporting the New Urban Agenda Activities report 1st UN-Habitat Assembly: Regional Groups (Monday morning)
HSP/HA/1/4 Report of the Executive Director on progress in the implementation of the NUA and the SDGs Document 1st UN-Habitat Assembly: Plenary (Monday afternoon)
A/RES/73/239 General Assembly Resolution Document 1st UN-Habitat Assembly: Plenary (Monday afternoon)
HSP/HA/1/2/ADD.2 Cooperation with agencies and organizations of the UN, intergovt org and other partners Document 1st UN-Habitat Assembly: Plenary (Monday afternoon)
HSP/HA/1/3/Add.1-English-Report of the Committee of Permanent Representatives on its work during the intersessional period Addendum; 72 Regular Meeting of the CPR Document 1st UN-Habitat Assembly: Plenary (Monday afternoon)
HSP/HA/1/2/ADD.1 Addendum to the report of the Executive Director Document 1st UN-Habitat Assembly: Plenary (Monday afternoon)
HSP/HA/1/2 Activities of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme Report of the Executive Director Document 1st UN-Habitat Assembly: Plenary (Monday afternoon)
A_73_726_English_Pursuant to General Assembly resolution Document 1st UN-Habitat Assembly: Plenary (Monday afternoon)