
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Shanghai Manual: A Guide for Sustainable Urban Development in the 21st Century - 2023 Annual Report
The Shanghai Manual was established in 2011 following the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai and serves as a tool to support the efforts of mayors and urban practitioners in advancing sustainable urban development. The ideas and principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and New Urban Agenda have been integrated into the Manual, with a focus on challenges such as how to achieve inclusive and liveable cities, innovative and creative cities and sustainable and resilient cities.
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Evaluation of The Impact of UN-Habitat’s Housing Approach to Adequate, Affordable Housing and Poverty Reduction, 2008-2019: ROLAC (Mexico) Report (4/2020)
Country Report
Evaluation of The Impact of UN-Habitat’s Housing Approach to Adequate, Affordable Housing and Poverty Reduction, 2008-2019: ROLAC (Mexico) Report (4/2020)
Mexico has launched a housing policy to enhance the quality of housing, inclusivity, and the public sector's role in urban development. Activities include renovating housing and neighborhoods, providing critical services and infrastructure to marginalized communities, and encouraging diversified, inclusive, and sustainable living options. The policy faces challenges, such as limited government funding and the demand to attract private sector investments, as well as developing the capacity…
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Innovación y tecnología digital para la reinvención del Presupuesto Participativo como herramienta de resiliencia social
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Innovación y tecnología digital para la reinvención del Presupuesto Participativo como herramienta de resiliencia social
El potencial del Presupuesto Participativo (PP), especialmente el relacionado con los beneficios indirectos generados, sigue sin ser explorado. El PP permite la rápida adopción de acciones y la asignación de recursos financieros que resultan de las interacciones entre habitantes y gobierno.Los autores proponen formas innovadoras de PP para difundir información relevante, aumentar la conciencia y mitigar riesgos e impactos de las crisis naturales, sanitarias y económicas de una forma más efectiva
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Innovation and digital technology to re-imagine Participatory Budgeting as a tool for building social resilience
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Innovation and digital technology to re-imagine Participatory Budgeting as a tool for building social resilience
The potential of Participatory Budgeting (PB), especially the subsequent downstream benefits that can be generated, remains still unexplored. PB makes possible the adoption of actions and the allocation of financial resources that result from the interactions between people and government. The authors propose innovative ways to engage with PB as a driver to disseminate information, increase awareness, and mitigate the risks and impacts of natural, health, and economic shocks.
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Explorando la Función del Presupuesto Participativo en la Aceleración de los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS):Un Enfoque Multidimensional en General Escobedo, México - cover
Technical Report
Explorando la Función del Presupuesto Participativo en la Aceleración de los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS):Un Enfoque Multidimensional en General Escobedo, México
La publicación “Explorando la Función del Presupuesto Participativo en la Aceleración de los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS): Un Enfoque Multidimensional en General Escobedo, México" introduce cuáles son las conexiones entre el Presupuesto Participativo (PP) y la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.
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Exploring the Role of Participatory Budgeting in Accelerating the SDGs: A Multidimensional Approach in Escobedo, Mexico - cover
Technical Report
Exploring the Role of Participatory Budgeting in Accelerating the SDGs: A Multidimensional Approach in Escobedo, Mexico
This publication describes how Participatory Budgeting is a multidimensional, democratic tool capable of supporting governments to achieve the Agenda 2030. The publication introduces new networking models and cross-cutting approaches that can shape a new governance model. The case study in General Escobedo, Mexico, illustrates the actions, results, and strength of this approach.
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Housing and sgds in Mexico
Technical Report
Housing at the Centre of the SDGs in Mexico
UN-Habitat Mexico
The challenges of the housing sector in Mexico
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Discussion Paper – October 19, 2018: Economic Benefits of the Territorial Strategy in the Zapopan Municipality, Mexico - cover
Discussion Paper – October 19, 2018: Economic Benefits of the Territorial Strategy in the Zapopan Municipality, Mexico
The Territorial Strategy of Zapopan 2030 (ETZ2030 in Spanish), issued in 2015, is the output of the technical assistance provided by UNHabitat’s office for Mexico and Cuba to the municipal government of Zapopan, Mexico. ETZ’s diagnostics identified three main challenges in the municipality: i) the pressure of urban expansion on areas of high environmental value; ii) the fragmentation of urban areas with the proliferation of closed neighborhoods; and, iii) rising economic and social inequality.…
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Extended CPI Report - Guadalajara - Cover image
Urban Profile
Extended CPI Report: Guadalajara (in Spanish)
UN-Habitat Mexico
Extended CPI Report of the urban agglomeration of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
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Food waste cruise sector
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Food waste reduction at home
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Food sustainability
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Empowering change
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SDG Localization
Rapport Local Volantaire
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HSP/EB.2024/4- Report of the midterm review of the strategic plan of UN-Habitat for the period 2020–2025
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BetterTable certificate
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Waste to energy
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The trash traveler
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