
Development: A Survey of Best Practices and Future Recommendations
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Mainstreaming Migration and Displacement in Urban Planning and Public Space Development: A Survey of Best Practices and Future Recommendations
In response to the growing challenges of migration and displacement in urban areas, this publication presents principles for improving urban planning and public space development. Intended to illustrate best practices and guide practitioners, policymakers, and local authorities, these principles are supported by recommendations and examples from across UN-Habitat’s recent operational experience.
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Technical Report
Comparative Analysis of Housing Acts in Five Countries: Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Botswana, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and South Africa: Urban Legal Case Studies, Volume 13
UN-Habitat provides technical assistance and advisory services to member states in legal reform processes to bring about social and economic transformation and enhance effective service delivery for sustainable urban development. Benchmarking case studies and comparative analysis are key aspects of the UN-Habitat methodology for legal and governance reform. UN-Habitat and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies at the University of London, UK developed this comparative analysis of housing laws…
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Research Briefing Vol 3: Urbanization in North Rift Kenya
Research Briefing Vol 3: Urbanization in North Rift Kenya
These briefs are based on a study designed to establish prevailing socio-economic conditions, the nature of businesses and the local economic development in Turkana West, and the trends of urbanization in North Rift Kenya. The research is available as three volumes: (1) Volume 1 focused on Households’ Socio-Economic Conditions, (2) Volume 2 is on Businesses and Local Economic Development (LED), and Volume 3 is a profile of the Urbanization Trends in North Rift region of Kenya.
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Research Briefing Vol 2: Businesses and Local Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya
Research Briefing Vol 2: Businesses and Local Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya
These briefs are based on a study designed to establish prevailing socio-economic conditions, the nature of businesses and the local economic development in Turkana West, and the trends of urbanization in North Rift Kenya. The research is available as three volumes: (1) Volume 1 focused on Households’ Socio-Economic Conditions, (2) Volume 2 is on Businesses and Local Economic Development (LED), and Volume 3 is a profile of the Urbanization Trends in North Rift region of Kenya.
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Research Briefing Vol 1: Socio-Economic Conditions in Turkana West, Kenya
Research Briefing Vol 1: Socio-Economic Conditions in Turkana West, Kenya
These briefs are based on a study designed to establish prevailing socio-economic conditions, the nature of businesses and the local economic development in Turkana West, and the trends of urbanization in North Rift Kenya. The research is available as three volumes: (1) Volume 1 focused on Households’ Socio-Economic Conditions, (2) Volume 2 is on Businesses and Local Economic Development (LED), and Volume 3 is a profile of the Urbanization Trends in North Rift region of Kenya.
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Socio Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya Volume III: Regional Context: Urbanization in North Rift Kenya
Technical Report
Socio Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya Volume III: Regional Context: Urbanization in North Rift Kenya
This report is based on a study designed to establish prevailing socio-economic conditions, the nature of businesses and the local economic development in Turkana West, and the trends of urbanization in North Rift Kenya. This report (Volume 3) is focused on Urbanization in North Rift Kenya. It is part of 3 reports produced by the study. The other two reports are Volume 1: Households’ Socio-Economic Conditions, and Volume 2 on Businesses and The Local Economic Development.
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Socio Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya Volume II: A Report on Businesses and The Local Economic Development
Technical Report
Socio Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya Volume II: A Report on Businesses and The Local Economic Development
This report is based on a study designed to establish prevailing socio-economic conditions, the nature of businesses and the local economic development in Turkana West, and the trends of urbanization in North Rift Kenya. This report (Volume 2) is focused on Businesses and The Local Economic Development. It is part of 3 reports produced by the study. The other two reports are Volume 1: Households’ Socio-Economic Conditions, and Volume 3 on Urbanization Trends in the North Rift Region of Kenya.
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Socio Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya Volume I: Report on Socio-Economic Conditions
Technical Report
Socio Economic Development in Turkana West, Kenya Volume I: Report on Socio-Economic Conditions
This report is based on a study designed to establish prevailing socio-economic conditions, the nature of businesses and the local economic development in Turkana West, and the trends of urbanization in North Rift Kenya. This report (Volume 1) is focused on Households’ Socio-Economic Conditions. It is part of 3 reports from the study, the others being Volume 2: Businesses and Local Economic Development (LED), and Volume 3: Urbanization Trends in North Rift region of Kenya.
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State of Addis Vol. II: Towards a Healthier City
Country Report
State of Addis Vol. II: Towards a Healthier City
The 'State of Addis Vol.II: Towards a healthier city', focuses on how the COVID 19 pandemic unfolded in the city of Addis Ababa. The report explores the impact of the pandemic on the city; the response from the authorities and civil society; and the relation of urban infrastructure to urban health and resilience in the context of Addis Ababa.
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Press Release
Inaugural World Cleanup Day launches in Norway
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Technical Report
Amman Climate Action Plan
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Press Release
UN-Habitat announces 2024 Scroll of Honour Award winners
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Financial Audit
Acquisition report to Member States - August
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Acquisition Report August 2024
Financial Audit
Acquisition Report August 2024
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Draft work programme of UN-Habitat and draft budget of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for 2025
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Financial status of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme as at 30 June 2024
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Round table 2 Concept note
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Roundtable one concept note
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