Plano Quicet_Cover
تاريخ النشر

N’Dalem Quicet: Territorial Development Plan of the Quicet Section / N’Dalem Quicet: Plano de Desenvolvimento Territorial da Secção de Quicet

Peaceful cities and communities are fundamental factors in the development of any society. In Guinea-Bissau, UN-Habitat promotes peace while responding to urban emergencies using highly collaborative approaches at the community level. Land conflicts are recurrent in Guinea-Bissau, stemming from various factors, including disputes over natural resources, territorial boundaries, political and administrative disputes, as well as the rapid urbanization currently underway in the country. These conflicts not only disrupt people's daily lives but also often result in loss of lives and property.

In the Sector of Quicet, aside from the lack of clear borders, there was a dispute over Bolanha, floodplains often with fertile soil, where locals produce food for their own consumption.

To address these challenges, UN-Habitat, through the "Peaceful and Inclusive Land Management" project, financed by the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) and implemented in collaboration with FAO, intervened to facilitate discussions between the conflicting parties and promote a participatory process on land demarcation, zoning, and interventions for future community development. Additionally, trainings were conducted on land rights, non-violent communication, and awareness-raising at the local authorities' level.

These efforts resulted in the issuance of land certificates to the communities, along with mapping and demarcation, and the development of a Territorial Development Plan (TDP). The project's success was captured in a guide and regulation on participatory community land demarcation and planning, aimed at facilitating replication and scaling of the project's successful outcomes.