

Policy and Strategy
Urban-rural Linkages: Guiding Principles
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Palestine Habitat Country Programme Document (2023-2026)
The Special Human Settlements Programme for the Palestinian People launches its strategic framework for working with the Government of Palestine and other stakeholders. It focuses on analysing, designing, and implementing fit-for-purpose interventions contributing towards UN-Habitat’s global strategic outcomes and sustainable urbanisation in Palestine.
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Managing Urban-Rural Linkages for Nature
Launch of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework requires an integrated territorial (both urban and rural) approach for the sustainable management of biodiversity. Linkages between urban processes and rural transformation across municipalities, countries, and world regions are essential for biodiversity conservation. Urban-rural linkages are constituted by reciprocal and repetitive flows of people, goods, and financial and environmental services between specific rural, peri-urban, and…
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2022 Catalogue of Services
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
2022 Catalogue of Services
UN-Habitat’s Catalogue of Services provides the current range of ways in which the organization can support national and local governments, partners and stakeholders to address their development challenges and advance sustainable and inclusive urban development using its services, expertise and tools.
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Defining and Validating Urban-Rural Linkages Priorities in Zanzibar-Reflection Workshop
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Defining and Validating Urban-Rural Linkages Priorities in Zanzibar-Reflection Workshop
This workshop was divided into three sessions: Introducing Urbanrural linkages; Understanding Urban-rural linkages: Guiding Principles and framework for Action (URL-GP); and defining functional territories and identifying capacity gaps. This report presents the structure of the workshop and the key issues discussed. Discussions on functional territories focused on Zanzibar city (an urban area) and Wete in Pemba (a rural area) due to various flows of goods and services between the two. The…
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Project De Development Inclusif Et Integre Des Territoires Urbans Et Ruraux En Afrique (URL)
Technical Report
Project De Development Inclusif Et Integre Des Territoires Urbans Et Ruraux En Afrique
Le Cameroun a rejoint le projet de développement inclusif et intégré des territoires urbains et ruraux en Afrique, par la signature le 20 septembre 2019 d’un accord de coopération entériné par Madame le Ministre de l’Habitat et du Développement Urbain, afin de contribuer au renforcement des relations villes-campagnes. Ainsi, depuis 2019 un groupe national de travail interministériel dénommé « l’Equipe-pays » composé d’un Comité et d’un Secrétariat technique chargé de promouvoir, coordonner et…
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Rapport Atelier Collecte Données - Guinea Conakry
Technical Report
Rapport Atelier Collecte Données - Guinea Conakry
L’atelier sera l’occasion pour les participants de s’informer sur les RVC et de l’intérêt de la prise en compte de ces relations dans les politiques, stratégies et plans de développement. Par le biais d’une animation dynamique, les participants auront l’occasion de s’exprimer, de donner leur avis, de faire des remarques et suggestions, de partager leurs expériences sur les processus de collecte des données. Les principaux supports de l’atelier seront des présentations PTT sur les RVC, le projet…
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Urban-Rural Land Linkages: A Concept and Framework for Action
Technical Report
Urban-Rural Land Linkages: A Concept and Framework for Action
This publication presents a framework for tackling urban-rural land challenges. It is designed to help a range of stakeholders in developing countries understand how to adopt an inclusive approach to land management and administration initiatives to produce a balance in urban and rural development. It provides structured guidance for addressing land-specific problems within the intersection of urban and rural development.
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Compendium of Inspiring Practices on Urban-Rural Linkages
This Compendium follows the publication of the first Compendium in early 2020. UN-Habitat has developed these series of case studies for urban and rural practitioners and leaders interested in territorial approaches to development. This second Compendium provides new inspiring examples of integrative efforts that apply the principles and actions of UN-Habitat’s “Urban-Rural Linkages: Guiding Principles and Framework for Action” (URL-GP)
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Niger State Urban-Rural Linkages Virtual Data Collection (Kobocollect) Training
Technical Report
Niger State Urban-Rural Linkages Virtual Data Collection (Kobocollect) Training
The main objective of the training was to strengthen the technical capacity of the development actors on a collection of reliable data for better-informed policy making using digital tools. The workshop further aimed the following:

• Increasing awareness of the participants about the normative work of UN-Habitat on urban-rural linkages (URL).

• Sharing the outcomes of preliminary assessments (URL challenges and opportunities, capacity gaps assessment, participation…
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Press Release
Inaugural World Cleanup Day launches in Norway
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Technical Report
Amman Climate Action Plan
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Press Release
UN-Habitat announces 2024 Scroll of Honour Award winners
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Financial Audit
Acquisition report to Member States - August
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Acquisition Report August 2024
Financial Audit
Acquisition Report August 2024
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Draft work programme of UN-Habitat and draft budget of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for 2025
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Financial status of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme as at 30 June 2024
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Round table 2 Concept note
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Roundtable one concept note
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