
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Global Public Space Toolkit: From Global Principles to Local Policies and Practice
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Urban–Rural Linkages For Sustainable Territorial Development: Addressing Urban Transition In The NENA Region
Urban–Rural Linkages For Sustainable Territorial Development: Addressing Urban Transition In The NENA Region
This paper was initially the input from the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) Policy, Governance and Legislation Section to The State of Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture, prepared by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) office for the Near East and North Africa (NENA).

This background paper was meant to contribute to the chapter on “Territorial governance and the urban-rural interface” prepared by FAO. However,…
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Why infrastructure matters: active mobility, public transport, and economic growth in African cities
Technical Report
Why infrastructure matters: active mobility, public transport, and economic growth in African cities
This study explores the benefits that can accrue if cities prioritise active mobility and public transport. It quantifies the benefits of walking, cycling, and public transport in the Africa region, comparing alternate investment scenarios for the 188 largest African cities. Under a Business-as-Usual (BAU) scenario, cities would continue to focus on road expansions, flyovers, and other investments primarily catering to personal car use. In a Sustainable scenario, cities would develop adequate…
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Evaluation of National Urban Policy Programme 2014-2021 (2022/5)
Evaluation of National Urban Policy Programme 2014-2021 (2022/5)
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Walking and Cycling in Africa – Evidence and Good Practice to Inspire Action
Technical Report
Walking and Cycling in Africa – Evidence and Good Practice to Inspire Action
This report demonstrates the everyday reality for the one billion people in Africa who walk and cycle every day. It highlights that making their journeys safer, healthier and more comfortable is a core priority if we are to ensure more equitable, low carbon cities. It sets out recommendations for governments and other stakeholders and makes the case for retaining, enabling and protecting those already moving in the most sustainable way possible.
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Managing and financing urban development through physical & land use planning processes in Kenya: A guidebook for county governments
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Managing and financing urban development through physical & land use planning processes in Kenya: A guidebook for county governments
The purpose of the Guidebook is to strengthen the ability of County Governments in Kenya to utilize existing legislation and provide key insights in the coordination of spatial planning policies. These policies define location and character of development and the economic regulation of resources necessary to deliver value for money. It identifies physical and land use policy, operational and regulatory issues and incorporates financing strategies to implement them.
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UN-Habitat Regional Office for Arab States Overview 2021
Activities Report
UN-Habitat Regional Office for Arab States Overview 2021
UN-Habitat Regional Office for Arab State’s Overview sheds the light on the interventions and achievements of UN-Habitat in the Arab region in the year 2021. The interventions include contribution to urban development, ensuring access to adequate housing and providing safe and inclusive public spaces, as well as COVID-19 response.
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 Regional Assessment on Urban Vulnerability and Resilience in Southern African Development Community Member States
Regional Report
Regional Assessment on Urban Vulnerability and Resilience in Southern African Development Community Member States
This publication provides the basis for a much-needed Urban Resilience Framework, including an examination of urban disaster risk and resilience in the SADC region, vulnerability profiles for each country, city level analyses of vulnerability, and measures to foster institutional and policy discussions.
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Impact Evaluation of UN-Habitat’s Housing Approach to Adequate and Affordable Housing and Poverty Reduction 2008-2019: Africa Region Report (4/2020)
Regional Report
Impact Evaluation of UN-Habitat’s Housing Approach to Adequate and Affordable Housing and Poverty Reduction 2008-2019: Africa Region Report (4/2020)
The evaluation of UN-Habitat's Housing Approach aimed to assess the agency's efforts in promoting adequate housing for all and sustainable urbanization, addressing the challenge of rapid urbanization leading to the spread of slums in developing regions. The Housing Approach focuses on policy reform, operationalizing housing strategies, and implementing housing programs and projects, and its performance was evaluated based on five fundamental activities. The ultimate goal is to…
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Call for regional experts joining the regional online consultations on people-centred smart cities
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Call for expressions of interest to host World Habitat Day and World Cities Day 2026
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Call for Proposal
Call for proposal-C2CC
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UN-Habitat Stakeholder Engagement Policy-Draft, third reading - version of 18 September 2024
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Expression of Interest
Expression of interest for hosting WHD/WCD 2026
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Presentation made by the Secretariat
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Presentation by the Executive Director
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Global strategy for the UN’s engagement with local and regional governments
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Global strategy for the UN’s engagement with local and regional governments
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