The Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR) to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) held its first open-ended high-level midterm review meeting from 29 June to 1 July 2021. Below is information related to that meeting including the report and outcomes of the meeting which can be found under “Post session documents”.

Notification by the Executive Director

Notification of the Executive Director

Notification by the Executive Director for the First open-ended meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme: high-level midterm review - Advance

Proposed Provisional Agenda

Proposed Provisional Agenda



Programme - CPR High-Level Midterm Review

Programme at a Glance - CPR High-level Midterm Review

Background document on the Dialogue on Cities and Pandemics.

Pre-session documents

Pre-session documents

Agenda item 1:
HSP/OECPR.2021/1: Provisional Agenda

HSP/OECPR.2021/1/Add.1/Rev.1: Annotated provisional agenda

HSP/OECPR.2021/INF.1 : List of documents

Agenda item 2:
Annual progress report for the year 2020 on the implementation of the strategic plan of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme for the period 2020–2023 (Full report)

HSP/OECPR.2021/2: Midterm review of the implementation of the strategic plan of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme for the period 2020‒2023 - Report of the Executive Director

HSP/OECPR.2021/INF.2: Summary of the annual progress report for 2020 on the implementation of the strategic plan of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme for the period 2020–2023

Agenda item 3:
HSP/OECPR.2021/3: Update on the preparation of the quadrennial report of the Secretary-General on progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda - Report of the Executive Director

A/RES/75/224: General Assembly Resolution 75/224 on Implementation of the outcomes of the United Nations Conferences on Human Settlements and on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development and strengthening of UN-Habitat

HSP/OECPR.2021/INF.3 : Report of the Executive Director on Implementation of the ministerial declaration adopted by the United Nations Habitat Assembly of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme at its first session

Agenda item 4:
HSP/OECPR.2021/4: Report of the Executive Director on Status of implementation of the resolutions and decisions adopted by the United Nations Habitat Assembly of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme at its first session

Agenda item 5:
HSP/OECPR.2021/5: Report of the Executive Director on Implementation of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme coronavirus disease (COVID-19) response plan

Agenda item 6:
HSP/OECPR.2021/6: Report of the Executive Director on the Preparations for the eleventh session of the World Urban Forum

Agenda item 7:
HSP/EB.2020/16/Add.1: Report of the Executive Director on Alignment of the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review process with UN-Habitat Planning Cycles

HSP/OECPR.2021/INF.4: Alignment of the planning cycles of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme with the quadrennial comprehensive policy review process - Note by the secretariat

HSP/EB.2021/CRP.2: Analytical Brief on the Alignment of the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review and the UN-Habitat Strategic Planning Processes

In-session documents

In-session documents

Agenda item 2
Midterm review of the implementation of the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan: Presentation by the Secretariat

Agenda item 3
Progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda – Presentation by the Secretariat

Agenda item 4
Progress in the implementation of resolutions adopted by the UN-Habitat Assembly - Presentation by the Secretariat

Agenda item 5
UN-Habitat Covid-19 response plan - Presentation by the Secretariat

Presentation of the dialogue on Cities and Pandemic

Agenda item 6
Preparations of WUF 11 - Presentation by the Secretariat

Agenda item 7
Alignment of the planning cycles of UN-Habitat with the QCPR - Presentation by the Secretariat

Draft outcomes of the CPR

Draft outcomes of the CPR

HSP/OECPR.2021/L.2 Proposed draft outcomes of the high-level midterm

HSP/OECPR.2021/L.2/ Rev1 Proposed draft outcomes of the high-level midterm review of the CPR

HSP/OECPR.2021/L.2/ Rev2 draft outcomes of the high-level midterm review of the CPR

Post-session documents

Post-session documents

Report on the work of the CPR at its high-level midterm review held from 29 June to 1 July 2021 (Advance version)

Outcomes of the first open-ended meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR) to UN-Habitat at its high-level midterm review (Advance version)

HSP/OECPR.2021/7 - Report of the first open-ended meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme: high-level midterm review

HSP/OECPR.2021/8 - Outcomes of the first open-ended meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives for a high-level midterm review

HSP/OECPR.2021/9: First open-ended meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme: high-level midterm review - Summary by the Chair



Opening Statements
Opening Statement by the Republic of Kenya

Opening Remarks by the Executive Director

Statement by the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations

Opening Remarks by the Director General of UNON

Statements by Regional Groups
G77plus China (Malawi)

European Union


Statement by Regional Group of African States

WEOG Statement

National Statements
Statement of the Sultanate of Oman

Statement by United States of America

Statement by Switzerland

Statement by Malawi

Statements on Agenda item 2: Mid-term review of the implementation of UN-Habitat Strategic Plan 2020-2023
Statement by Malaysia

Statement by Argentina

Statements on Agenda item 3: Progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda
Statement by Argentina

Statements on Agenda item 5: Report of the Executive Director on the implementation of the UN-Habitat COVID-19 response plan
Statement by Argentina

United Cities and Local Governments – Ms. Emilia Saiz

The World Blind Union – Mr. Hannes Lagrelius

Bufete de Estudios Interdisciplinarios AC – Ms. Magdalena García Hernández

Huariou Commission – Ms. Sri Sofjan

Stakeholder Advisory Group Enterprise (SAGE) – Prof. Siraj Sait

Executive Director’s Closing Statement

Seating arrangement

Seating arrangement

Coming soon....

Information for participants

Information for participants

Information for participants
Information for participants – version 1

Background document on the Dialogue on Cities and Pandemics.

Daily journal