UN-Habitat and IUTC to hold a training workshop
Nairobi, 15 September 2016—UN-Habitat and the International Urban Training Centre are organizing a workshop ‘Action Planning for Citie
UN-Habitat UNI together with HESI (the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative) are in the process of defining a Sustainable Urban Development action plan for universities.
Over 700 applicants to International Design Collaboration for Kenya Competition
February 06, 2016 - The application for the International Design Collaboration for Kenya Competition completed midnight Feb 1.
Season 3 of the Global Urban Lectures launched
15 January, 2016 - The Global Urban Lecture Series is an initiative by UN-Habitat’s partnership with universities worldwide - UNI - to bring the knowledge and experiences of urban experts associated with the agency’s work to a wide audience.
UN-Habitat Partner University Initiative (UNI) launches website and two new hubs
With the recent launch of the Habitat UNI network webpage, UN-Habitat has reinvigorated its main mechanism for partnerships with the global academia and researchers. Adding to a count of six currently established and operational thematic hubs, the initiative will see the creation of three new hubs.
10 things designers need to work on - Christian Werthmann, Leibniz University Hannover
Christian Werthmann from Leibniz University, Hannover, summarizes his international experience of non-formal urbanism into ten points aimed to act as a guideline for designers intending to work in these contexts. Based on real life experiences and research he describes what is essential to keep in mind when designing towards sustainable urbanization in dense urban environments. This lecture was filmed in association to the Metropolis Nonformal - Anticipation symposium in Munich 2013 including the launch of the Laufen Manifesto for a Humane Design Culture.
Slums - Past, Present and Future - Eugenie Birch, University of Pennsylvania
In this lecture, Eugenie Birch draws heavily on history to illustrate the location, pace, trajectory, documentation and varied solutions of historic slum conditions in Western Europe and North America; tracking contemporary slum development in Latin America, Asia and Africa, and outlines the commonalities and differences with past experience. Birch places slum development in stages that correspond to the urbanization rates and peak growth of slums of the places in question, and discusses adaptations, their benefits and costs.